Paris, 12.09.23
This excellent Message has been composed by two brillant senior disciples having excellent energy of blissful comprehension.
Creativity and Stupidity
1. In common parlance creativity means painting pictures, writing poems etc. Actually, to be creative does not only mean painting pictures or writing poems. And it is certainly not the capacity to express an idea from the field of the known in an attractive way.
Creativity happens when there is no conflict, no struggle and no effort because effort is distraction. It happens spontaneously in a state of complete Joy and complete Silence. Creativity is flowering out of emptiness. It is a state in which the self, the mind , the past is absent. Perhaps,it was in this state that maharshi Vedavyasa sang 'Bhagavadgita'; maharshi Patanjali wrote 'Yoga Sutra'; ancient Indian sages declared : "Aham Brahmaasmi"; Lahiri Mahashay sang : "Shunyer sathe kola kuli"; sage poet Tagore wrote and sang his spiritual poems.
Thus creativity is neither an outcome of talent nor does it demand any outward manifestation. It is a state of being. It requires tremendous energy of understanding within to see "what is" i.e. understanding the whole process of one's thought and feeling. This alone can bring peace, bliss and creativity in life. And Kriya Yoga is the science of inner being which helps in gathering of the energy to see "what is".
2. We live in two worlds. The natural world and the world made by humans. The natural world consists of the Sun, the moon, stars, mountains, rivers, jungles, different flora and fauna and human being along with sky, air, fire, water and earth. Man made world is of two kinds, mind made and hand made. Language, mathematics, art, music, rituals, money and banking system etc., are symbolic world made by human mind and intellect. There is also a world of things produced by hands, such as, furniture, clothes, houses etc.
We can see that without this symbolic world, we are no longer different from the animals. There will be no literature, no scientific research and development without the man made symbolic world. However, knowledge, not knowing, is an affair of symbols and is mostly a hindrance to wisdom, to the knowing of the self from moment to moment.
Now, what is our relationship between self and the natural world and between self and the symbolic world, the things around and the ideas within?
The understanding of oneself is seeing one’s thoughts from moment to moment in the mirror of relationship i.e. one's relationship to the natural world, to the symbolic world and to property, to things and to ideas. It is the lack of right relationship that brings about conflicts and misery in life.
There cannot be more Stupidity than giving higher values to those things which the mind creates or to those things which the hands produce in comparison with the nature. Giving more values to a furniture made of wood than to a tree ; giving more values to tusks than to the elephant, is the height and depth of stupidity.
If we would have valued our relationship with nature, there would have been equality in humanity, respect for all and reverence for Life. But man has forgotten the laws of nature and has started valuing property and status rather than Life itself. His whole misery is the byproduct of being unnatural and stupid.
'Swadhyay' i.e. knowing the self without the dichotomy (knower and the known) is the bliss of freedom from stupidity.
Jai Creativity!
Jai Kriya Yoga!