Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 495


Paris 06.Sept.2023

A disciple who is with his mother aged 95 years, recently shared with her the following two stories which she enjoyed very much. It is being shared with all for contemplation.


During a satsang long ago, the Guru shared a profound understanding in a light and humorous way.

The Guru said : "As per the Hindu belief system, the three supreme deities are - Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara or Shiva. Brahma created the universe i.e. made the material as also the immaterial. Vishnu nurtures the whole creation, meets the requirements of all things material. Shiva is the destroyer, the annihilator."

"'Now human beings, being what they are, are concerned only about 'their' that is, mental security and, prosperity and therefore, they pray to any and all gods that can help them have their wishes fulfilled. That is why temples are built."

"But note”, the Guru said - “Shiva is the most powerful, Maheshwara, and he can destroy everything. So people try to appease him always. That is why most temples are of Shiva. Vishnu is needed to fulfill greed, so there are many temples for him too. Brahma has done his job, having created us; and now he is not needed at all, so there are hardly any temples dedicated to him.”

2. 'Ubuntu' is a term derived from the Nguni Bantu language of Africa and means 'humanity'. It's essence is said to be 'My existence is intertwined with others.'

The principles of Ubuntu encompasses compassion, respect, trust, empathy, tolerance and cooperation — all qualities of Life.

There is an interesting and inspiring story about Ubuntu. An anthropologist studying the habits and customs of a South African tribe found himself always surrounded by children of that community. One day he decided to have a fun game with those children. He brought some candies and put them in a basket at the foot of a tree. Then he asked the children to run up to the tree from a distance. He explained to them that the boy or girl who reaches the tree first would get all the candies kept there in the basket. All children lined up for the run. All the children took each other’s hand and started running together towards the tree and therefore arrived simultaneously. They shared the cand
ies among themselves and all were very happy.

The anthropologist went over to them and asked why they ran together as, if they had raced, one of them could have won all the cand

The children responded :
"Ubuntu. How could anyone of us be happy, if all the others were sad?"

Now, can such virtues of Life be taught? Not in a classroom or through conventional methods of teaching. One can be available to such Virtues of Life by knowing the self; by 'Swadhyay' and practice of 'Tapa' of Kriya Yoga; by facing the fact of 'what is'; not slipping in the muddy ground of ‘What should be’.



Jai Ubuntu!




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