What is Kriya Yoga

What is Kriya Yoga?

What is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya yoga is not a physical fitness program. It is not based on any belief system and hence does not exclude people of any religion. It does not promote any sect or cult. Here the guru is not a personality to be followed but a process in which one flowers. No consolation or assurances of miracles are given or encouraged for the freedom has to be found by and within each body. The Guru here is merely embodied existence who provides the inspiration for transformation. No stories of miracles and magic are told to keep people amused in poor and paralyzing consolation.   

            Kriya Yoga is perhaps the most effective tool that enables one to see that this external seeking is futile as it is not that we have fear, pain or guilt, but we (our mental makeup, our conditioning) are the fear and the pain and the guilt.

           Kriya Yoga does this by stilling the agitations of the mind through simple Kriyas (practices) that act on the body. An example is the Kriya Pranayam (breathing). Just as breathing (a physical phenomenon) so also by controlling the inflow and outflow of breath it is possible to still the mind. There are other kriyas that work on the body’s fear centre, centre of passion etc.

           Thus, in a simple and natural way one rids oneself of mind’s interference. When that happens, it becomes possible to observe and be aware of life. One is then free from belief and disbelief. One stop running away from problems and faces them with equanimity, solving those that are possible through right response and with deep understanding, accepting those that are beyond one’s capability to solve (such as the death of a dearly loved one). One is awake.

  1. What is Kriya Yoga: - Kriya Yoga is the science of the inner being it is the most profound spiritual process of India. It is maintained in the famous book ‘Yoga Sutra’ of sage Patanjali and later on rediscovered by Yogiraj Shyam Charan Lahiri, the famous house holder Yogi of Varanasi in 19th century after this accidental and wonderful encounter with a mysterious Himalaya saint, whom he called BabajiLahiri Mahashay and Kriya Yoga became known to the truth seekers all over the world through Paramhansa Yoganada’s famous book “Autobiography of Yogi”, which has been translated in many languages.                                                   
  2. Kriya Yoga is not based on any belief system or any so-called religion and hence it does not exclude people of any religion. It belongs to the whole humanity.                                                                 
  3. Fundamental spiritual process: - “Tapahswadhyaya Ishwaraapranidhanani Kriya Yogah” is the first sutra (a cryptic form of writing followed in ancient India – almost like a formula) of “Sadhana Pad” (the chapter on practice) of the famous book “Yoga Sutra” written by sage Patanjali. Sadhana pad is the second chapter in the book, the first being “Samadhi Pad” (the chapter on being established in equanimity). This is what comes first. It is followed by the practices that help consolidate the equanimity and finally moves to “Ishwrapranidhan” which means perception of wholeness. However, for most people being established in equanimity does not come naturally and hence the Sadhana (practice) is the practical first step. The importance of Sadhana cannot be over emphasized even when there is energy of understanding in a disciple, for this state is easily disturbed by the mischief of the mind-ego complex. Hence sadhana needs to be a part of the Sadhak’s (aspirant’s) life.                                                               

The initiation programs reflect this basic progression and are conducted over three days all over the world, usually during the week-end. On the first day, the profound teaching called “Swadhyay” to explore the “swa”- the “I” – ness in the technical area as well as in the inner contents of consciousness such as desire, greed, fear, envy, anger and seeking solace through belief systems- is shared. This is a very deep dimension of basic teaching- the first part of Kriya Yoga; establishment of equanimity. The next day is spent on learning specific kriyas called “Tapah” which are not merely physical fitness program, but rather a deep psychological fitness affair. On the third day, one learns about “Ishwara pranidhan”- the perception of holistic dimension of awareness and thus a relief from the stranglehold of fragmented divisive consciousness. Also, the new and old kriyabans (Kriyaban or kriyavan means those practicing Kriya yoga) practice together to ensure complete understanding of the Kriyas.

Aspirants have to give a Guru Dakshina (an offering to the Guru) as per the traditions of the guru-shishya parampara, and this is given in the form of money in a sealed and unmarked envelop. The amount is left entirely to the aspirant according to his capacity and interest. The envelop is sealed and unmarked so that this dakshina remains anonymous and hence there need not be any feeling of guilt/ shame or pride in those giving less or more. Any activity of the mind and ego is discouraged at every stage of this process called Kriya Yoga.


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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 
