What is Kriya Yoga?
Benefits of Kriya Yoga
Dynastic Lineage
Kriya Yoga in the dynastic lineage stream has continued in the age-old Rishi-tradition of India from Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasahay to his son Tinkaudi Lahiri who initiated his son Satyacharan Lahiri who in turn initiated his son Shibendu Lahiri. The kriya yoga teaching is available in the purest form in this lineage as no changes have been made to the kriyas by any of the yogis in the stream. There was no organization at the time of Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya and there is none even now, in the fourth generation of Shibendu Lahiri: veracity cannot be organized, only vanity and vested interests are organized.
The dynastic lineage Initiation is not just information, but a transformation indeed. Despite all tall claims by others, no one is perhaps as authorized as Shibendu Lahiri (born 1939), the great grandson of famous house holder Yogi Lahiri Mahashay (1828-1895), to spread theauthentic teachings and techniques of Kriya Yoga in the world today. Yet he says in utter humility that wise wields no authority and those in authority are not wise! Organisations assert authority, but authenticity may be lacking. Mobilisation may create a mafia, but the most sacred may remain untouched. Cultism has no place in matters deeply spiritual.
Lahiri Mahasay (Full Name: Shyama Charan Lahiri) became known to the truth seekers all over the world through Paramahamsa Yogananda's famous book "Autobiography of a Yogi", which has been translated in many languages. Shibendu has the distinction of receiving the original Kriya process in the age-old Rishi-tradition of India, that is, from father to son - generation after generation. Thus, the process here passed, through knowledge and genes. Shibendu who was initiated in 1960 by his father Late Satya Charan Lahiri at the family shrine "Satyalok" D 22/3, Chousatti Ghat, Varanasi - 221 001 (India).
Latest Messages from Guruji
What does Kriya Do?
Do you have fears?
You can't sleep?
Want to live a happy life?
Experience is the death of the perception of that incommunicable mystery which is referred to as ‘love’, ‘reality’, ‘existence’, ‘eternal’, ‘divine’, ‘bliss’, ‘sacredness’, ‘the unnamable’ and so on. Perhaps you may come upon that mystery if you understand and practice what was made known to you through the human body called Lahiri Mahasaya and which is still being told by his blood cells and bone marrow throughout the world, year in and year out. You must discover it by and for yourself. Nobody can reveal this mystery to you, and nothing can destroy
Kriya Yoga with Shri Shibendu Lahiri
Sat guru (Realised Teacher) emerges in answer to tears and, therefore, he belongs to whole humanity. He may have a lineage, education, accomplishments and so on. But all these are unimportant in describing him, for he is jivan mukta (liberated despite all bondages of conditioning). His is a different consciousness — an awakened-ness, an intelligent awareness, a presence (not a personality) — and when he says something, one should reflect on it (not reject it), should dwell upon it (not discard it). Swadhyay (Self-Knowing) in company with a Satguru is the beginning of Kriya-Yoga.