Paris 25 August, 2023
A dedicated disciple’s contemplation on Message 31 during Sunday Satsang.
1. Existence is movement of Life. Movement of Awareness. It is always in now-ness.
Experience is movement of mind. It always happens in comparison with the past or in speculation about the future.
2. Observation without likes and dislikes i.e. Choiceless Awareness is Existence. Observation with likes and dislikes, that is, choices of mind is experience.
3. In Existence, observation of "what is" happens naturally by the Intelligence of body (which is action of life), without any effort of "I". Experience of liking or disliking of "what should be" can not take place without the involvement of mind-‘I’.
4. Existence is division-free Awareness, is Life. The very experience indicates mental activity.
5. Existence is Divinity and experience is mundane divisive consciousness.
6. In Existence, experiencer and the experience are non-dual but in experience, there is always a separation between the experiencer and the experience.
7(a) In Existence, stimulus and response become one unitary movement, that is, sensation of the sense organ and response of Life are not two different process.
In experience, stimulus and reaction of the experiencer are always different and therefore, sensation or direct perception of Life becomes the sensuaity and experience of mind.
7(b) (Another Version)
In Existence, stimulus and response become one unitary movement, i.e., the response is from Life and is a natural and appropriate consequence of the stimulus.
In experience, response is not a natural consequence of the stimulus as it is a reaction from mind and is therefore a product of its conditioning.
Jai Profound Contemplation