10th October, 2023
This beautiful Message has been written by a very senior Kriyaban-disciple.
Hatha Yoga - Brahma process
According to Newton's law of motion, force (energy) is required to stop what is in motion and to move what is at rest. In the insentient, like - stone, wood etc. energy is in physical form only, whereas in the sentient; like - animals, birds, humans, energy is available in both physical and abstract forms.
Routine humdrum of daily life is actually a mental prison. One remains active within this prison due to pursuits of desires of psyche for more pleasures in various forms. Stilling this "I" from its continuous churning is most difficult due to its deep conditionings. Perceptions then emanating without interference from mind and its mischiefs and myths, is the Hatha Yoga. It is not merely a physical fitness program, which is also performed for all limbs.
Yoga is a journey of Atithi-Sakshi-Samapti Bhava. This journey cannot begin while remaining engrossed in the worldly attachments. For having a pause in the movement of "I", one needs first the energy of understanding and the energy of the physical body as well.
For knowing the self, one starts his or her centripetal journey only after stopping the centrifugal movements by using some force of Hatha. Giving up the regular activities of life and attending initiation program for 3 or 5 days, is a sign of the Hatha process. During initiation the Guru says that to sit in solitude for some time is the beginning of the spiritual process. Thus, by ignoring the centrifugal force of the worldly attachments and to sit on "Aasan" for doing Kriyas is nothing but a Hatha process.
During initiation, the Guru causes new birth of the disciple by touching different Chakras in his or her body and also by waking him or her up to the activities of the separative psyche - the "I" and how this "I" always gives continuity to itself. In this Kriya-birth, the disciple learns how to be in division-free choiceless awareness; learns the art of living in "Now-ness" i.e. living from moment to moment and not in the past and future; living in "what is" and not escaping in "what should be".
Birth is the realm of Brahma process. At the moment when Kriya-birth takes place, the Guru is the profound Brahma incarnate itself. In this way, Hatha is the ground for the birth of Yoga-life and is Brahma.
Thus, ignoring the outward movement i.e. "Dhara-process" and the beginning of the inward movement i.e. "Radha-process" is the manifestation of Brahma.
Raja Yoga - Vishnu process
Regulation of mind through inhalation and exhalation is Raja Yoga. This is Vishnu process that nourishes both body and the energy of understanding. With the help of pranayama, vital air (oxygen) reaches every cell of the body and nourishes it. Practice of Kriya Pranayam i.e. special breathing along with the movement of awareness in the central line of spine. This is the process of nourishing the energy of understanding and also the process of emergence of division-free awareness. That is, this gives glimpses of freedom from mind (state of Nirmana) from time to time.
Laya Yoga - Maheshwar process
Laya Yoga is the Samapti Bhava. Dissolution of all conflicts without getting caught into the trap of the cultivation of opposites i.e. state of Advaita is the Samapti bhava.
Laya Yoga is Maheshwara personified. Maheshwara is very profound. All the dualities get dissolved in him, be it the difference of man and woman, sentient and insentient, bird and animal, desired and unwanted, wise and innocent, birth and death etc. Maheshwara is Adiyogi who is always in Samadhi, established in the energy of equanimity, in Laya. Maheshwara as Nataraja, dancing on the beat of damru is the symbol of Advaita between dancer and the dance.
Guru is the embodied form of this Samapti bhava, the Advaita-process. Just as an infant lion naturally acquires the roar after experiencing the roar of an adult lion, in the same way a direct perception of Advaita, happening in the Guru-Process is also available for the discipleship-process.
Thus the Guru is the symbol of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara for the disciple as the holy Guru-process is flowing from the Guru's body. Energy of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara are nothing but three different forms of Life, the Divinity, the Brahman. Therefore, the Guru Process is also called as Brahman or Parabrahman.
This wisdom is said by Kabir, the great saint of Varanasi as:
Guru Gobind dou Khade kake lagu paay,
Balihari Guru aapane Govind diyo bataay.
Kabir says that the Guru and God are both in front of me, whom should I greet first? He then says, it is only because of the Guru's grace that I am able to identify God, so greet the Guru first.
This is said in Upanishad as:
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururdevoMaheshwara,
Guruh sakshat ParamBrahma,
Tasmai Shrigurave Namah.
That is, Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is Maheshwara and Guru is the embodiment of Param Brahma as well. I salute the Guru.
Jai Guru ! Jai Guru ! Jai Guru !