Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 445 - A sequel to Message 442



8 May 2022

 Sixteen Instructions from Truth-compassion in the Bliss of Comprehension, instead of Ten Commandments of ‘’God’’ in the Bible (or B-lsh-t ?).


1. Discover the psychological virus generating violence at all levels — personal, familial, social, communal, regional, national, international.


2. See the animalistic instinct inherited from the past — killing for food and fun. Enjoy pure food based on vegetables and fruits along with cereals.


3. Be aware of political ideologies extolling violence. Keep aloof from such madness.

4. See the self-centered bruteness in ‘mind-I’, blocking Holy Spiritual Emancipation in Dimension of Life.


5. See that the Government Authority is based on coercion through police and army. Understand that Non-violence excludes hate and hostility in any form.


6. See that the very intention to wound the feelings of another person, is violence. A sarcastic remark can be more painful than a physical assault. An unfriendly stare can be seriously violent !


7. See the religious violence indulged in, by evangelists who brandish Bible to warn you that there is no salvation unless you accept the Gospels and that hell-fire and eternal damnation is then your only lot ! Such is the nastiness of religious blackmail, a most insidious form of violence.


8. To understand God or Truth, there must not be any belief or disbelief.

9. See that the man’s obsessional preoccupation, vaguely called the Divine, has almost bordered on being pathological !


10. Understand that the characteristics attributed to God are closely related to our own psychological perversions.


11. See that the demands of ‘I-ness’, destroy the bliss and benediction of ‘Is-ness’.


12. Sow the seed of Awareness-choiceless for the flowering of Highest Intelligence, in day to day living, in the energy of equanimity.


13. Do not seek interpretation of dreams. Find out if dreams are necessary at all ! Do not run into day-dreaming, generating fancies and fantasies of all sorts! Do not go for dream-analysis for further distortions of mental mischiefs. Be aware that the Analyser is conditioned too, by his likes, dislikes and theories. Freud, Jung or any other in this field, may be the greatest frauds of twentieth century!


14. Simply watch the deceptions one indulges in, to distort ‘what is’ - facts; to be available to ‘what should be’ - fancies ! Let the dimension of passive holistic awareness dawn in our life.


15. Come out of the Network of words and see the tremendous tranquility emerging therefrom. Do not name a psychological experience. Allow it thus to dissolve in the benediction of Life. Music composed by mind is for entertainment and excitement. Melody of Life is the Bliss of Enlightenment.


16. Do not try to manage the truth, the ‘what is’. Let truth or goodness manage itself. To be alone, is to be without thought. And then the truth is ! Do not interpret truth ! Just investigate and thus be in ‘Is-ness’.





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