20 April 2022
1. That Silence demands a great Understanding of Life, not conceptual mental undertaking about Life collected from ‘religious-spiritual’ books.
2. For that, the way you live matters immensely — what you eat, drink, everything becomes immensely important.
3. As long as you are a slave to society, as long as you are greedy, envious, ambitious, pursuing pleasure, prestige, seeking status through functions, unless you are free from all that, there cannot be any sanctity of Silence.
4. In the Light of Silence, all problems disappear.
5. That Silence has its own operation on Society.
6. Is it possible to function in this world, with that Sense of Silence ?
7. You will know Love, when the mind, the myth, is very still.
8. Freedom from conditioning, comes from Stillness, i.e. that Silence .
9. When you cultivate or practice Silence, you run into more noise.
10. Religion is a state of Silent Awareness from moment to moment, without continuity. Silence that has continuity is fake.
Jai Silence