9th April 2022
The Russian writer, Maxim Gorky is attributed with the following statement.
“Freedom is the first five minutes in which you were born to cry naked, nameless, without a sense of any separative psyche, not knowing what is right, what is wrong and without human grudge.
Five minutes after birth society decided your name, nationality, religion and other attributes.
Then we grow defending and promoting things we didn’t choose, endlessly for the rest of our life. Thus compassion is gone and illusion is invited”.
Melody Divine (Bhagawat Gita) sings this song of Maxim Gorky most beautifully, all through the Holy Text, in many ways. Thus Maxim Gorky appears to be Most Godly in Russia !
The process of Kriya Yoga is the powerful tool for perceiving the Divine Truth, stated by Maxim Gorky of Russia
Jai Maxim Gorky