Satyalok, Varanasi,
22 March 2022
When Shibendu landed in Varanasi after 2 long years, he was received by some disciples from Varanasi. Among them, there was an old and dedicated devotee who requested him to visit his newly built house before going to his ancestral temple of Truth i.e. 'Satyalok'. Satyalok is a sanskrit word which means temple of Truth.
According to Indian belief system if dust of feet of Guru is made available to a new residence then there will always be prosperity in the house. That is why Guru was invited to the new house.
It is convenient to follow the tradition than to flower in Truth. When rituals of Guru-puja were over, the prosperous son-in-law of the devotee came for blessings because there is always an apprehension and fear of losing the prosperity. Basically, accumulation is mind and fear is also mind. So Guru was invited to ensure the prosperity and to dispel the fear.
The Guru said that the whole kriya yoga teachings are to ensure Peace, Protection and Prosperity. While giving blessings, Guru said in local language that 'Samriddhi' (Prosperity) has to continue with 'Samajhdari' (Understanding) and ‘Samanvaya’ (Harmony) – as Understanding brings Harmony and Peace. Prosperity without Understanding may create all kinds of problems whereas Understanding brings Harmony, Happiness and Peace all around. While hearing all this, young man's father-in-law who is a long time devotee trembled as if Current of Understanding ran through his body as electricity. And he was in tears.
A person in the wisdom of Kriya Yoga is not strangled by the mind-ego complex. The Energy of Understanding that flowers through practice and Swadhyay ensures this freedom from the psyche. When there is Energy of Understanding, then there is divine contentment with what one already has and there is freedom from the endless pursuits of seeking more and more. This very understanding is the real prosperity. In this understanding whatever one does, one does in excellence – "Yogah Karmashu Kaushalam” (Motive-free actions bring best results). Thus material prosperity is also ensured.
"Samatvam Yogah Uchyate" – This understanding of Kriya Yoga is also the energy of equanimity and a person in equanimity is free from comparison, competition and conflict. So the person is naturally in peace and harmony.
Kriya Yoga brings one in his Innocence or child-like Natural State. No one wants to harm a child. Innocence is always protected by the nature.
All this was explained lovingly to the son-in-law and the daughter of devotee. A little later, the devotee’s mother, who was the head of this prosperous family, came in and met the Guru. She spoke in distress saying “Guruji, I do not wish to live any longer. Please bless me with death of the body.”
Then the Guru lovingly held her close to him and told her “The only purpose of Life is to live”. When the body is unable to retain the connection of Life it will automatically escape from the “Brahma Randhra”. He touched her head to show the spot. He told her to see “What Is” and not to indulge in “What should be”. The Mother understood and her face became radiant.
Jai Perception