Varanasi, 22 March 2022
Motherland is as holy as the mother. Shibendu had to remain away from the motherland for 2 years and 2 months due to Covid-19 related travel restrictions. However, it was possible to make a short visit to Varanasi during the Festival Days – 18th to 29th March, 2022.
Life is a natural process, but due to the corruption of the mind; every process of Life is converted into mental undertakings. This monstrous world that we, human beings, the so called highest species of evolution of life on this planet have generated, is a menace for the whole process of Life including the flora and fauna.
Divisive consciousness is there for the practical reasons and it has validity in our day-to-day life. But we run into psychological gratifications threatening the very existence of life under every excuse and every pretext. We are promoting very subtly the vulgar dimension of vanity and vested interest rather than holy and pious dimension of veracity of "What is". We are always sabotaging "What Is" to remain amused in "what should be".
Coming at Satyalok one can see the Guru Process alive. This wonderful lineage of energy of understanding beginning from my great grandfather Lahiri Mahashay is guiding the seekers of Truth throughout the world. Lahiri Mahashay was in the supreme dimension of yoga where
separative psyche 'I' remains dissolved in sacredness of 'Is-ness' i.e. the holy dimension of no-'I'. There 'I' remains just as a reference point for performing daily tasks and also for the availability of divinity inspite of the humdrum of daily life. Yoga is not merely a physical fitness program but also a state of psychological well-being.
Lahiri Mahashay’s teachings profoundly emphasized on waking up in wisdom so that the wicked activities of the separative psyche are totally washed out – not by fleeing away from the entanglements of mind, but by facing them in alert wakefulness every moment.
In English we have to use so many words to communicate that wisdom and unfortunately that still does not get communicated completely in the Jungle of verbalization. English is a very dynamic language of course, but Indian language Hindi is the most dynamic and hard hitting in destroying the mind and its pollutions.
Lahiri Mahashay's short utterance in Hindi – "BHAAGO NAHI, JAAGO !" (DON’T ABSCOND, BE AWARE!) summarises the understanding which Shibendu tries to communicate in English in many different ways.
Jai Motherland