Satyalok, Varanasi,
26 March 2022
Culture and psyche of the Western world is based on consumerism. The person who consumes more is more respected in western society. They do not want to live in harmony with the nature. Their civilisation, based on consumerism and industrialization, wants to conquer the whole nature only for the sake of satisfying more and more sensuality which is actually insatiable.
But they do not understand this and that is why they say that necessities of life are infinite and resources are scarce. And therefore, there is struggle for survival and existence. That is why Malthus, a renowned British economist of 17th century said that struggle for existence is natural.
Darwin, a famous biologist of 19th century have opined the theory of "survival of the fittest". This is nothing but the extension of the Malthusian theory of "struggle for survival".
Sigmund Freud, a well-known psychologists of 20th century has also said the same thing in other words. He said that human beings have instincts to fight each other for ego gratification and therefore, comparison, competition and conflict are natural in human society.
However, ancient Indian sages have said just the opposite in Upanishads. They say that needs of a human being are very limited and mother earth has sufficient resources to feed all the humanity and also to fulfil their basic needs, but endless greed can never be satisfied. "Tena tyaktena bhunjithah" i.e. let Life be need based and not greed based. Love is Life. In Natural state, a human being has compassion, comprehension and cooperation as fundamental traits. So in Indian ancient culture, it is said – "Sabai bhumi Gopal ki", "Sarve bhavantu sukhinah" etc.
This earth can become paradise when the teachings of Vedanta or Laya Yoga teachings of Kriya Yoga i.e. "Atithi Bhava", "Sakshi Bhava" and "Samapti Bhava" are understood by the humanity.
Jai Kriya Yoga