Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 434 - An Eye-Opener for a Disciple


3 January, 2022


During the Sunday Satsangh of January 2, 2022, the disciple who is usually asked to accompany the Guru on camera, Gopi, was not present at the start of the satsangh. The Guru requested another disciple to find out what happened as there had been no prior intimation either. When he was called up, Gopi realised that he had forgotten that there was a Satsang that day! The Swadhyay that later happened in the body was an eye-opener for him. On mentioning about this to the Guru, Gopi was asked to draft a message on it so that it could be shared with all. That is presented here.

The Message taken up that day, “Sankhya Perceptions of Maharishi Kapilacharya”, has a sentence in it: Awareness of actuality is not to be asleep in ascriptions and abstractions of the mind.

This is a precise verbalisation of the phenomenon of mind. It is very difficult to understand unless there is the grace of the Universal Intelligence.

But this disciple was fortunate because what happened to him on that Sunday was an exact example of ascriptions and abstractions of mind.

The disciple is supposed to be retired, but works part-time at the request of the person who was his boss for 25 years.

Now, usually, Sundays are holidays for the factory, but this particular Sunday (January 2, 2022), the factory was working.

The disciple’s mind had ascribed certain days of the week as holidays and then abstracted the following conclusions until there was no more seeing happening in him in these matters:

1.   Sundays are holidays so, if I am working, it is not a Sunday.

2.   Satsanghs are on Sundays, so, if I am working, there is no Satsang on that day.

The above are so obviously absurd! But that is how the mind works when it is asleep in ascriptions and abstractions. And that is why, there was no awareness.

This example of the brilliant verbalisation in the Message may help all who read this.



1.   Mind creeps back into bodies even if there is some energy of understanding in them.

2.   The SatGuru protects the disciple and draws him/ her back from mind to wake up in Awareness of actuality, ‘what is’, ‘no-mind’ or Life, whenever this happens.



Jai Sat Guru


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