29 Dec. 2020
This message was written 3-weeks ago, but was not released as traditional festivities, on the occasion of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as also ‘Santa Clauze’ rushing everywhere with wonderful gifts, were going on in full swing. This was not the occasion for serious contemplative meditation on ‘what is’. So presentation of facts was delayed for the perpetuation of fancies. Now let us contemplate on 3 masterpiece books, through the synopsis presented here.
1. Jack Miles’ Pulitzer Prize winning wonderful book written masterfully and exhaustively titled ‘God - A Biography’
The belief systems in Hebrew Bible and Catholic Roman Bible have been collected elaborately including all the contradictions and deceptions.
‘God’ made mankind in his image — full of cunning calculations, all the vulgarities of vanities & vested interests, of self-grandisements, of gratifications, of reactions & revenges, of dominating and killing at random to demonstrate superiority over others, of crooked smiles seeing the suffering of others, employing assistants to revel in all this endlessly.
The author describes vividly how ‘Lord God’ is doing all this with the help of two ‘Assistant Gods’ who are sodomites (homosexuals). No wonder that church priests are also inspired to do child-sex as also to kill them whenever required. But ‘Lord God’ is also ‘Love’ surreptitiously making ‘snakes’ to do the mischiefs. ‘Lord God’ creates ‘Order & Harmony’ as also ‘disorder and disharmony’ according to his ‘will’ (ego par excellence). But ‘Dragons’ somehow comes up against his ‘will’. ‘Lord’ has however given no ’command’ (in the ten commandments) not to kill ! ‘Lord’ did circumcision to ‘Adam’ at the age of 99 years to enable him to have his son ‘Issac’ !!
The picture of a brooding and vindictive, as also a dangerously unpredictable ‘Lord God’ is presented in the Bibles. He is also described as ‘Lawgiver’ in the Bibles ! Thus the Universal natural law of cause generating an effect which causes yet another effect and so on, which naturally comes to an end, when there is surrender of the pursuits and paradoxes of ‘mind-ego’. It seems that ‘G.O.D’ is Garbage of desires’.
Fear, a consequence of desire, is interpreted in Bibles as ‘reverence’, as ‘love’ !! ‘Sacred genocide’ — a profane phenomenon indeed —- has been used in the ‘Hebrew Bible’ to kill non-Jews ! No wonder, six million Jews were killed by Hitler, getting inspiration from ‘Roman Catholic Bible’ ! Perhaps ‘Lord God’ is ‘lousy garbage’ !! Hebrew Bible states that israelites are ‘Lord God’s’ ‘chosen people’ ! ‘Lord’ also lays ‘traps’ and has thus put a ‘lying spirit’ in the mouth of human beings !! So do justify all your lies in the name of ‘God’ !!!
In Isaiah, God was the husband and Israel the wife of his youth. That is how ‘Jews’ are the ‘chosen race’ among the humans !! While reading this book : ‘biography’ of ‘God’, I was compelled to write ‘Shit-shit-shit’ in the margin umpteen times ! Also, such words as ‘silly’, ‘non-sense’, ‘ridiculous’, ‘horror’, were written many times ! Such is the excellence of narration revealing the belief-systems about the so-called God.
There is no God, but a Divinity par excellence as division-free, choice-less, passive awareness in our Being-ness of Life, without any trace of the ‘becoming-ness’ of the myth called mind. A religious awareness has no belief whatsoever. Religion means gathering of energy to see ‘What is’ — not to waste energy in speculating ‘what should be’ !
God indeed is the Grace of Division-free-awareness, ‘Chaitanya’, right inside us — no where to go. There is therefore no path to Truth. It is the process of ‘me’-deletion — not ‘me’-dictation. This is indeed meditation.
This is a masterpiece revealing the height and depth of conspiracy of the shoddy little minds to remain amused in the name of ‘God and Religion’. Elaborate details in Jack Mile’s book have beautifully been concised, without leaving any important point, by Reza Aslan. In addition, he added Islamic ideas regarding God & Prophet. He has also mentioned briefly about Brahma and Buddha of India as also Tao of Far East.
Ultimately, he points out beautifully ‘’YOU ARE GOD!!’’
3 HOW JESUS BECAME GOD ? by Bart. D. Ehrman.
This is by a priest who underwent the rigorous training for several years in priestcrafts in the close company of several dogmatic senior priests. Later, his research through the science of history, led him to write this book as an eye-opener to ‘Believers’. The christologies of Gospels and the mischiefs thereof, have been excellently exposed. ‘Catholic God’ had sent Jesus in order to save those who were massacred by ‘God of the Jews’ !! All games and garbages of the conditioned mind have been narrated excellently !!!
Jai Truth Revealing Writers