Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 405 - Buddha Avataar : Godliness descended in Human Form on Earth .



20 Jan. 2021


Synopsis of the Book of  wisdom presented and made available by Osho International group is narrated below :


Buddha spoke in Pali language — the then language of the people.


1.   Aappa Deepo Bhava


Be a light to yourself. Dependency on others, even on Buddha, strengthens divisive Consciousness and Its Darkness. Life is not the lust of the myth-mind. Procreation Energy is life, but lust is its degeneration in the separative consciousness (mind -‘I’). Buddha thus suggested transformation, not repression tricks of the mind — which  does not  have the energy and understanding in the dimension of Life.

2. Awareness is remedy of all ills. This makes a human healthy, whole and holy.


3. Peace, Love, Righteousness  are not to be practiced. These are by-products of Awareness.

4. Renunciation as the opposite of Accumulation is not the wisdom of Awareness.


5. Awareness is neither humility, nor pride.

6. All this profound teachings, he called in Pali : — Majjim Nikai — the middle path.


7. Spiritual state is serenity —- not coercive discipline. This is Goodness as also Godliness.

8. Natural austerity of awareness is the Divinity in Human beings.


9. Ten Teachings of Buddha stated below are the holiest of the holiness : —


I -    Pamdita : Joyful Existence

II -   Vimal : Simplicity - Austerity

III    Prabhakari : A subtle light of a smiling face.
IV -  Arismati : Natural Vitality of Liveliness

V -   Sudurjaya : Courageous — no sign of fear.

VI -  Abhimukhi : Facing ‘what is ‘ calmly.

VII - Duragama : Ready to go — no idleness.

VIII - Achala : Going inward (centrepetal)

IX -  Sadhumati : Sage-like (Turya) wakefulness.

X -  Dharma-megha Samadhi : Equanimity par excellence even though walking — not staying at one place.


There are other numerous teachings like Panch-Shila &c. Buddha-teachings are like honey — sweet in the beginning, sweet in the middle, sweet in the end. Both Gaya Temple and Bodhi-Tree are unique places in India and world. Buddha Process is the fusion of ‘Seeker’ & the ‘ Sought’ for ‘Seeing’ Bodhisatwa straightway. This phenomenon dawned again after 2500 years as Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Jai Buddha.

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