Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 427 - A Beautiful Communication between a Devotee and the Guru




31 May 2021







Namaste Dear Guruji,




How are You and Kumkumji? I hope everything is fine.


Have You been vaccinated already? Do You still go out for Your long walk in the forest around or do you avoid it due to the viral situation? I hope You still can go for a walk.




Here things are pretty calm in terms of covid-19 rates.




I am writing this email to ask for advice from You. Things are not that well in terms of my work, it seems that my clients are in a very strange mood, the same has happened with the people who work with me. No one is calm, everyone is rather stressed, there seems to be no satisfaction. In such a period of time when this viral situation has occurred, people should be more tranquil and not so much concerned with minor things, but just the opposite is going on.




So I feel that there should be a change in terms of what I am doing as work, but the thing is that I really do not know what should I do as other work, because my actual work is not 'working'. Everyone seems to be barking.




I have been trying to remain calm amidst the raged seas, and  I intend to remain so, but something is calling for a change. So I really am calling upon You, for advise, if it is possible. It also seems that some protection which  I had, is lost.  So I ask, if You can please tell me what should I do, in order to have some protection and prosperity which is now lost.




Perhaps it is something that I have to go through, some growing up, but still it seems that it is a situation that is going soon to implode and I will have no more work.




I would like very much to be with You and receive Your darshan, I do not know when that will be possible. Perhaps if You are vaccinated, that would be possible and maybe You could come to Your house here if things get better, and spend a fews days here, as a holiday for a change of scenery, go to the beach for  walk and bath. Or maybe for a small Initiation Programme which I could organize as some people sometimes write emails to me asking when it will be possible to be initiated.




A big embrace to You Guruji. I will be with You next Sunday's Satsang as always.


Thank You very much




In Gratitude







Very, very dear ******,




Kumkumji and myself are fine and safe from covid virus. We have not yet been vaccinated and have an open mind about it. We take all precautions and preventive probiotic measures as per the recommendation of a wise Doctor. I go for long walk every day duly protecting ourselves with masks as also keeping a good distance from other walkers.




Your work is not going well now, but remain calm. Your workers and clients are agitated and stressed. They are victims of shoddy little minds. You are in the bliss and veracity of ‘no-mindand its energy of pure Understanding, Love, Life, Divinity. 




You will naturally find some work which be based on your need, as you are free from greed, despite all the “barkings” of the silly  minds happening around. Do not ‘tryto be calm. The very ‘trying’ to be calm is the root cause which promotes more agitations and thus sabotages tranquility.


My whole-hearted blessings are available  to you for your Peace, Protection and Prosperity. Take quiet rest for some time, if there is no money-making work for some time; no problem at all, you will not starve!




Have my Darshan in Meditation. I am in your house in Portugal. And everything is going to be better and better. Initiation Programs are not possible now due to Covid-19 risks.




Meditative Embrace to you and to all in your family.


Jai Guru from Guruji.


Shibendu Lahiri




Post Scripts :


1. Devotion and the state of Let-Go draw the blessings of Peace, Protection and Prosperity. There is no personality that blesses and none that receives. The Peace, Protection and Prosperity that is enjoyed by the Guru process is naturally shared by the Disciple process.


2. Because the Guru has not been vaccinated, is no reason why Disciples should not be vaccinated. Decision on this should be taken with the Energy of Understanding and not in a state of following. This is a technical decision and should be taken as per the advice of experts in the field (i.e. local Doctors).



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