21 May 2021
An old Kriya-Yoga-disciple with a decent dimension of perception, has written this message when he read the following two news items in the reputed Time Magazine of May 24-May 31, 2021 ; as reproduced below :
1) A 25-Year-old Malian woman (A former French Colony in west coast of Africa) gave birth to nine (9) babies on May 4, 2021 — believed to be a world record so far.
2) Reporting on the death of Important Dignitaries, it is mentioned that Bo, the Obama family’s pet dog, died on May 8, 2021, at the age 12, after a battle with cancer.
The depth of stupidity of mankind is unfathomable when it becomes clear that the above items have been published with all seriousness as newsworthy!! Here, then, is proof positive that human mind IS stupidity!
1. Reputations are Images. These images (reputations) may be built over a period of time through a combination of thoughtful articles and sensational presentation of events and thereby even trivia may appear as Important News items.
2. If one can see this, one ceases to be excited and entertained by such tricks and remains calm with ‘what-is’.
3. Stay awake and alert.
Jai Alertness