Kriyabans in the Energy of Understanding see that faith is a fetter and beliefs of organised religions (or the disbeliefs of political systems like communism) with their bigotries, are bondages and burdens of the mind, of the separative psyche ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’ and ‘you’, ‘you’, ‘you’ in the divisive dimension of ego-centric assertions and arrogance of vanities and vested interests. A deep trust (neither beliefs, nor disbeliefs; neither being faithful nor unfaithful) is division-free holistic awareness of truth, of ‘what is’, from moment to moment without slipping into the fancies and fantasies of ‘what should be’ due to past pressures-prejudices-paradoxes-perversions as a consequence of conditionings and cultural inputs. Trust is neither faith nor belief of the mind, it belongs to ‘no-mind’, ‘no-I’, insight. Trust adheres to vitality, virtue and veracity of Life, Love and Energy of Understanding, without any trace of stupid mental undertakings under any pretext.
Faiths & belief (or disbelief) systems are dangerous kinds of viruses. Religious and political extremism are highly contagious viruses and in the new ‘biological’ warfare these viruses are used by unscrupulous, corrupt and ambitious religious and political ‘leaders’ in a kind of perverted brainwashing of people which, when combined with modern weaponry, become a menace to mankind as also to life on this planet.
A bigoted and obsessed brain of a terrorist can easily be compared to the action of a virus.
Consider :
1. The Jihadi missions against the ‘infidels’ as a consequence of faith in a holy text and its promises of an ‘afterlife’ rewards, if allowed to spread, will wreak havoc in epidemic proportions. This is an example of terrorism originating from ‘Islamic mind’.
2. The Catholic killings and terrorizing of doctors and clinics who favored abortion in the U.S. – even as recently as 2013 when a planned parenthood clinic was vandalized in 2013 in Bloomington, Indiana ; the notorious activities of the so-called ‘Army of God’, an underground terrorist organisation in the U.S. which has an ‘Army of God Manual’, a tactical guide to arson, chemical attacks, etc. This is an example of of terrorism originating from ‘Christian mind’.
3. The attacks on churches by Hindu activists is an example of terrorism by ‘Hindu mind’.
4. Attacks on muslims by Buddhists in Myanmar (Burma) are examples of terrorism by ‘Buddhist mind’.
5. Activities of Naxalites – an extremist communist wing – of killing countless policemen are examples of ‘Communist mind’ (extremists).
6. Sunni Muslims attacking Shia Muslims ; Catholics against protestants ; Brahmins against Scheduled castes – what are these but the ‘Caste mind’.
All the above are cases of perversion of the human mind by the virus of faith, belief or disbelief. The so-called religions (organised faiths and their ideologies, intricacies and idiosyncrasies) are behaving like a biological virus. These belief-systems display control over people’s mind, perhaps in the same way as parasites invade various organisms. For example, rabies virus victims bite and attack others. Some such viruses attack ants, grasshoppers leading them to all kinds of suicidal activities. Now, look at the bloodbath due to suicidal activities, since Sept. 11, 2001, by humans due to attack of viruses and vulgarities of ‘faiths’!
Compare these with the Muslim demonstrators in Britain (who were photographed after the Dutch cartoon controversy). They were bearing banners which stated ‘Behead those who say Islam is a violent religion’!!! Like the grasshoppers and the ants that cannot see their own madness,these demonstrators could not see the absurdity of their banners.
Now Consider:
1. The fragrance of ‘no-mind’ seen in the Sufi Saints.
2. The Energy of Love in Mother Teresa.
3. The profound wisdom of Kabir.
4. The blissful dance of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
5. The wonderful innocence of Einstein.
6. Buddha’s blast bringing freedom from knowledge-systems (Vedanta). Buddha was not Buddhist, Jesus Christ was not Christian, Allah (God) is not Muslim. Vishnu is not just a Vaishnav .
Can all this be seen ?
The virus of faith (mind) is destroying the vitality of freedom (life). Let us all wake up and SEE so that this virus be wiped out as has been done in case of Ebola virus.
Jai Human Decency and Dignity
PS : Two Mantras are suggested below (both
with twelve vibrations) :
I - Pra Ti Kri Ya Sa Maap Ti Kri Ya Ut Pa Tti
This means : — Let reactions (from mind) fade away for flowering of the actions from Life & Love.
II - Sthi Ta Praj Na Cha Ya Na Muk Ta Jaa Gri Ti
This means : —- Let us stay in equanimity, choicelessness and wakefulness (to ‘What is’).