Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 299 - Two Insights from a Discipleship Process



April 10, 2015



1.                      When I was talking to an old friend, he enquired about my mother and I replied that mother is no more. But the very next moment, this body knew that whatever energy this body has, that is mother- energy only and the mother-process is continuously supporting the body to contain life. So, as long as this body exists, Mother is always present with it. Similarly, whatever energy of understanding and insight this body has, that is Guru-energy and the Guru-process is continuously supporting this body to be available to life. As long as energy of understanding is present in this body, Guru is always with it. Above understanding of Mother could be possible only due Guru-process.

Jai Mother Energy

2.                      A few days back, while talking to Mithileshji about kriya-life, we found that many of kriyabans think that doing kriya practice is not so important and Swadhyaya i.e. understanding of Guruji’s messages is enough. While many others think that only kriya practice is essential and there is no need to waste time in Swadhyaya.

In the evening when this body sat alone, an analogy flashed, which I would like to share.

A possibility of a great tree is always hidden in a small but sound seed. But for germination of the seed to take place, its hard cover has to dissolve. That dissolution of hard cover of the seed becomes possible only in presence of two things, namely, Sunlight and Water. After germination, some minerals along with water is required for its proper growth and some sort of protection is also required to save the plant from animals and storm etc. so that its full growth i.e. realization of the wholeness, that was hidden in the seed, could be possible. So, neither is the process of germination of any seed nor its growth into the complete tree (Its Natural State) possible without Sunlight and Water.

Similarly, every human being is a seed of Godliness. Godliness i.e. life is hidden under the hard cover of mind-ego matrix. But for life to come up and flower, hard cover of mind-ego has to dissolve. In human being, this hard cover of mind-ego matrix dissolves in presence of two things and they are, Swadhyaya and Kriya practice. After dissolution of cover of mind and ego, body finds itself in a state of no-thought. In that State the body knows its real self i. e. Life; and lives in it in its fullest potential. This is the perception of Whole (Godliness) i.e. Ishwarapranidhan. Then revelation of life in the form of insight and energy of understanding (i.e. Yama and Niyama of kriya Yoga i.e.  being in total harmony with the Nature) also becomes visible in the body. Swadhyaya and Kriya practice are also required in later stage as they work as protective measures for energy of understanding to remain. Kriya practice also helps in keeping the body in sound health which is conducive for the flowering to take place —- not merely following.

 So, Swadhyaya works as sunlight as it removes the darkness of mind and Kriya practice is like water with minerals for flowering of life to happen in the human being. Both are essential.

Jai Guru Process

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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