Mahatma Gandhi’s Martyrdom Day,
30 January, 2015
World remains wonderstruck at the wisdom of India which never deviated from democracy since independence from British Rule in 1947.
India may be illiterate in majority, but not un-educated! Education (Energy of Understanding) of Indians is derived from Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagwat Gita, Astavakra Gita, Saamkhya (Swadhyay), Yoga (Tapas), Vedanta (Holistic Awareness or Ishwara Pranidhan), Thirukkrual, Krishna, Kabir, Lahiri Mahashay, Laalan Fakir Sufi, Tukaram, Thiruvalluvar, Raman Maharshi, Meera Bai, Naanak, J. Krishnamurti and so on & on.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is now in charge of India. Let B.J.P. represent Bhakti (Devotion, that is, freedom from the divisive shoddy little consciousness), Jagriti (Wakefulness in the dimension of universal non-fragmented human awareness), and Pratyaksha-darshi (steadfastness to ‘what is’ in the dimension of understanding, not slipping into the domain of ‘what should be’ of mental undertakings along with all its vulgarity of vanity and vested interests). Let Prime-Minister Modi represent Modak (Ganesh). Ganesh indicates that Chuha (rat) of Chittavritti (mind) must remain at the feet for performing the daily mundane tasks, so that Hathi (elephant or energy of understanding or Chaitanya - Life) remains installed in the Head! Let Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi be Narayan and Mangal murti (Ganesh). Good luck to him, Varanasi has sent him to parliament. Let him find time to pay a visit to the family shrine of Lahiri Mahashay — the deeply revered house-holder yogi at ‘’Satyalok’’, D22/3, Chousatti Ghat, Varanasi - 221001.
Let Shiva Sena represent Shivatwa (Mahamangalam) and Samagrata (Purnam or Wholeness), that is, division-free holistic Awareness —- not just narrow separative consciousness. Let its leader Uddhav Thakre (U.T.) represent Understanding without narrowness and Truth of being a Hindu, who is indeed an Undo, because he is undoing his shallow mentality and conditioning of particular group of humanity.
Let Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (R.S.S.) represent as follows:
R — Repudiation of all organized religions with their idiosyncrasies and ideologies to usher in Freedom (Jivan-Mukti).
S — Sanctity of Insight.
S — Sacrifice of ‘I-ness’ — the egotism.
Let Vishwa Hindu Parishad (V.H.P.) represent as follows:
V — Veracity of Life, revealing the mind as only myth, except in the technical world.
H — Holiness of all living beings.
P — Perception of profound Divinity without the divisive inputs in the brain.
Jai Narendra Modi, Jai New Understanding of BJP, RSS, VHP, SS/U