July 5, 2014
During various pre-initiation talks a question is usually asked: ‘How can I be free of conditioning’ and the response is normally that the question that should be asked is not how, but when. Because ‘How’ is possible when the subject and the object are different and so questions like ‘How does one drive a car?’ can be answered and taught, but when the subject and the object are the same this does not apply. Thus, it is not that I have a conditioning, but that this phenomenon “I” is itself conditioning and so there can be no meaning to the question: ‘How can I be free of conditioning’.
But message 282 shows that there is a ‘how’. The mechanism of dropping conditioning – or at least being free from its stranglehold (and the resulting stresses) – is by doing kriyas which help prevent secretions of toxic and stress raising substances from the amygdala. The important thing here is that it is the kriyas, done by one part of the body that is actually working on the amygdala and so just as one can scratch one’s head with one’s hands, this also works. Here, the mind is not attempting to work on itself.
A young kriyaban from Varanasi in the Energy of Understanding had shared the information given below almost at the same time as Message 283 was being written. This is being shared with all.
“There is a television programme on National Geographic Channel called "Brain Games". This show highlights how our brains are conditioned and how, many a times this conditioning is a cause of our so called problems. There was an episode based on our perception of time and while reading the Guru's messages on human conditioning this body wished to share information it received through the show.
Whatever is perceived by the senses is first sent to the brain which processes the input before sending back a response. Even though we think we perceive everything instantaneously, actually there is time lag of a tenth of a second to register it and respond to it. To compensate for this the brain makes constant predictions about what is likely to happen a tenth of a second later. The time lag may seem insignificant under normal circumstances, but for a fighter pilot flying at supersonic speed who is flying at 1000 Km/hr this lag can mean the difference between life and death. Hence this ability to predict is essential for survival. The brain therefore is very adept and conditioned to deal in "what should be". This conditioning is all right for technical matters but when this conditioning enters the psychological field then all problems start as elaborated by the Guru in the messages.
The brain consumes 40% of the total oxygen utilized by the body during respiration, the largest by any single organ in the body. However, even then the brain cannot work at full capacity. To utilize the available oxygen in the most economical way the brain adjusts itself to certain situations that reoccur frequently in order to bypass the energy consuming processing of the brain. Hence, the brain uses this adjustment as an energy conservation technique.
If we are aware of our conditioning, instead of being conditioned to our conditioning, we can understand when it is needed and when it is not. This is the Swadhyay phenomenon in a human body. For example if we are engrossed in thinking about ’what should be’ when we should not, then it is a waste of the processing capacity of brain. Just as we close unnecessary applications to free up the processor of a computer, such a brain, aware of the junk applications, automatically shuts them down to respond to more important matters at hand. Such a brain lives in adequate responses and this happens with Kriya Yoga.
Also, as oxygen utilization by brain determines brain activity, through pranayam the body is somehow able to increase the oxygen content in blood and efficiently discharge excess carbon dioxide. This helps the brain to operate at higher capacity and results in a holistic approach in the daily living. Instead of conditioned reflexes, such a brain can adequately respond to challenges from moment to moment. Perhaps that is why kriyabans find separative activities much reduced after proper pranayam. Hence kriyas are vital. It is equally vital to eat healthy and abstain from habits like smoking, to be able to lead a holistic life in proper adequate responses instead of getting into conditioned inadequate reactions.”
Jai Kriya, Jai Kriyabans