Paris - France
4 July 2014
1. Dimension of space or ‘no-thought’ in the inner being, has a powerful impact on the limbic brain. It is the part of our brain where our most basic emotions are generated giving rise to escape from ‘what is’ in order to get entangled with ‘what should be’. In front of the limbic brain is an almond-shaped structure called the amygdala (third-eye or Kustastha in our language). Meditative or Choiceless Awareness of ‘what is’ keeps amygdala healthy without letting the limbic brain release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These are secretions that create fear and anxiety fortifying the false fragmentation ‘I’ and thus destroying the peace of ‘being’ & simultaneously developing the pursuit of ‘becoming’. The secretions convert natural survival instinct of life into notorious fear of insecurity of the mind, natural sensory perceptions of life into nasty sensuality of the mind-ego complex. When did humanity take a wrong turn by abandoning the ‘Insight of Being’ and activating the ignorance of becoming? And then plundering and taking slaves began, along with its horrible culture of killing and being killed! The hypocrisy of talking about peace and concurrently preparing for war also began in full swing! All wars are final exaggeration of the ‘‘Becoming-Phenomenon’’. All belief-systems or disbelief-systems of the so-called ‘‘religions’’ are ultimate vulgarity of the burden and bondage of ‘becoming’. A true religious life does not indulge in psychological becoming which pollutes the purity of the human awareness. ‘Becoming’ generating the stress hormones are extremely toxic and stay in the body for several days after they are released. Kriya Yoga gives our amygdala a chance to make calm and measured assessment of situations of ‘what is’ without creating the tension from ‘what should be’ or ‘what might be’. It prevents needless release of toxic chemicals in our body. Let there be living quality of life through Swadhyay, Tapas, Ishwarapranidhan of the Holy Kriya Yoga in ‘Now-ness’. Dwelling in the past and the future is the fundamental cause of our suffering.
2. Stress is not just an emotional condition. It sends all those powerful toxins into our blood-stream. It has very negative physical effects too. Stress will make the body physically sick and may eventually kill the body. Stress breaks us down physically through blood pressure. And when that happens, one does not exercise and eats more! We are then in a vicious circle, ultimately ending up in strokes or heart conditions.
Kriya Yoga has been proven to be extremely effective in reversing this cycle. Doctors everywhere are surprised every time when they find B.P. in this body of Shibendu is 80-120, despite hectic travels and marathon teachings. Teacher is somehow ‘‘absent’’, even though teaching happens about some mysterious ‘‘Gorgeousness’’ (‘Maharaj’ of a Tagore song!) which is perhaps beyond all teachings! The ‘teaching’ is indeed a divine joy as well as a joke!
When you have high blood pressure, give Kriya Yoga a try. Instead of committing to a pill cooked up by a giant pharmaceutical company, please commit to taking a mini vacation of 40-minutes’ Kriya practices every day. This will certainly give you a better chance to live longer on this planet with less mental and physical troubles. Kriya Yoga helps increase the flow of our blood and digestive juices, while at the same time keeping our breathing and heart rate low.
3. About diet in Kriya Yoga, let us ponder over the following quotation from Albert Einstein:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet”.
Eat mindfully without getting distracted by talks and thoughts, by phones and phony baloney from TV or Internet.
Jai Kriya Yoga