Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 281 - Human Conditionings – the sixth one.


Zvenigorod (near Moscow),

Russia, 21 June 2014


This is the concluding message on conditioning which does not mean that we are victims of only six conditionings. Freedom flowers when conditionings are watched… without the watcher! Kriyabans are most cordially invited to look within themselves, as also around, to wake up to many other conditionings. They may also write messages on conditioning, if possible, and send them to Mr. Gopi Menon, Indian Coordinator, for consideration, contemplation and circulation; if he finds it comprehensive and constructive. We know that deconditioning happens through the understanding & practice of Kriya Yoga.


The sixth conditioning is our infatuation with words and the tremendous impact & influence which words have upon us. We are hardly capable of listening behind the word, beyond the word to capture the wisdom being communicated through the word. We interpret in accordance with our pre-concepts and pre-determined conclusions and thus miss the insight.


When there is no insight we merely formulate ideas. We then accept or reject the idea. And both are death! Because they deny Awareness of the Real! Veracity is lost through verbalization! Now is ‘no – w’, which indicates no wicked activities of the mind -– the separative consciousness! ‘Now-ness’ is ‘Is-ness’, that is, no ‘I – ness’! And wisdom is; where there is no ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’ and ‘You’, ‘You’, ‘You’. No ‘I-ness’ is the door to Divinity, the Universal Intelligence!


Among the words, our clinging is towards the nouns –- not towards the verbs! We talk of life as per our concepts, but what is important is living! It is loving that matters, not “love”! It is relating, not just relationship. It is singing, not just song. It is doing, not merely jobbery. It is dancing in ecstasy, not just a dance performance. It is self-knowing, not the so-called “self-knowledge”. It is moving in holistic awareness -– without the dichotomy between thinker and thought, which are nouns.


Life cannot leave Kriya Yoga. Mind cannot maintain Kriya Yoga. Love is the art of being with others. Meditation is the art of being with oneself. The heart is your relationship with existence. The head is your relationship with experience.




Jai Beyond Words

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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