Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 280 - Human Conditionings – the fifth one.


Zvenigorod (near Moscow),

Russia, 20 June 2014


Wasting energy in seeking ‘what should be’ – thereby not gathering energy in seeing ‘what is’ – is our unfortunate fifth conditioning! Can this seeing happen in the dimension of holistic awareness, that is, without the dichotomy between the observer and the observed?


Through this conditioning, we build up and defend all kinds of images about ourselves and others, we harbor secret motives in our day-to-day relationship and activities, we run into pleasures and pursuits of all kinds of belief-systems & dogmas!


Through this conditioning, space and sequence in space in the inner-being is denied. We are then engaged in thoughts fortifying ‘thinker’ – the ‘I’ – and thinker, in turn, multiplying thoughts. Thus we get overcrowded by thoughts.


Space in the inner being is the dimension of ‘no-thought’ and in this space technical thoughts can prevail in proper sequence for performing daily tasks, as and when required. This is Mind in Meditation – ending of all disorder in the inner-being! Space in the inner-being is order!


Seeking ‘God’ is not meditation, it is not holy. It is the paradox and perversion of this conditioning of escaping from ‘what is’. There is nothing to seek, nothing to find! Just wake up to see ‘what is’. Be in ‘No-I’! Be in Divinity! Be in Life! Keeping vagaries of mind dominant and the veracity of life dormant, is a part of this conditioning!


Kriyabans say that they come to Shibendu for getting the “Insight”! Insight does not belong to anybody. It is all-pervading as sustained Intelligence. It is neither yours, nor mine. It is not a technical knowledge for giving and getting. It is for sharing in the goodness of Life – the ‘no-mind’.


“Time” weekly dated April 21, 2014, reported the following fact. American spending on pets (mainly dogs) reached a record high, US Dollar 55.7 billion last year (2013). And millions of human beings on this planet do not get even one square meal a day!


Missionaries come to India to help in tribal areas and in the process they place their burdens of belief-systems on these simple folks. Their joyful natural music and dance become notorious mind-dogmas which are imposed on them in the name of Sin and Savior! Conversion becomes perversion!


Can we be free from such escapes from reality in spite of our heavy conditioning to the contrary?!!




Jai ‘What is’

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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