Zvenigorod (near Moscow),
Russia, 19 June 2014
This conditioning is making a false entity appear real, desperately giving itself continuity by hook or crook, ascribing permanency to it by calling it an “individual” or a “soul”. The false entity (“I”) comes into being due to the spurious split that occurs in the brain, giving rise to a false division between “I” and the contents of consciousness. The contents project the “I” and the “I” proliferates the contents. There are no Two – Adwaita! But bringing in the “two”, becomes the protective mechanism of the contents of the separative consciousness, which are merely greed, fear and dependency on belief systems of the society around.
Life is never born, life never dies. So life is not interested in any “past-life regression” of the stinking psychological market nor is it interested in the stories of the past lives of Buddha which are manufactured in the Buddhism’s supermarket. Life is also not interested in the Bhrigu-Samhita blah blah of Hindus describing the past lives of a customer who visits such an “expert” in India. Life is also not interested in any “after life” – like the savior or Allah allotting a bungalow in Heaven depending on whether one is church-going Christian or a mosque-visiting Muslim. Nor is life interested in taking rebirth after rebirth like Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, as life never dies.
All this is assumed by the shoddy little non-existent “I”, under the influence of cultural inputs, conditionings, social customs & conventions and environmental factors. Thereby “I” asserts that it indeed exists. Once one American Professor of Theology, during his presence in one of the Swadhyay Talks (teaching sessions), went almost mad after hearing this truth about the false “I”. This “I” projects “God” – the ultimate greed, gratification, delusion & dependency.
When all this is understood without intervention of ‘time’ as “I”, that is, when this comprehension happens instantaneously, the false “I” falls. “God” also falls. The whole garbage-contents of the inner-being also fall. In this enormous and magnificent Fall, Full and Fabulous Divinity –- the Un-nameable, Immeasurable & Unknowable suddenly dawns as ‘Flashes’ along with the devastation and demolition of the petty and phony ego-experience structure!
Is it possible to come out of the strong stranglehold of this fourth conditioning? Find out by and for yourself –- don’t follow anybody!
Jai Non-following