Zvenigorod (near Moscow),
Russia, 18 June 2014
Seeking security through habit formation, may be termed as our third conditioning. ‘I’ is habit – not that ‘I’ have habit or ‘I’ don’t have habit! Habits help to establish escapes from facing ‘what is’ and keep us amused in the dimension of ‘what should be’!
Habits do not merely mean smoking, drinking, marijuana, hashish, chewing tobacco and many other strange habits. Even to call oneself as British, French, German, Jew, Christian, Muslim –- except as reference or identity points -– is habit, as one seeks security by belonging to a particular religious group or to a nation. Our ground holistic Awareness is exactly the same and our separative consciousness is very similar. We are thus Universal humans in spite of our uniqueness as individual beings. This realization can bring in us an enormous security indeed–- not just our seeking security through habit formations.
Obsession and inhibition with thought, hang-ups, broodings and constant chattering also lead to habit formations, constantly searching security in one form or the other. We get into the habit of imitating others to feel secure. We steal others’ manners & ideas in order to feel secure and even these stupidities become habits! Cleanliness is good, but if one becomes obsessed with it, that is also an agonizing habit formation. Contentment is good, but to cultivate contentment is habit formation. Simplicity is good, but to cultivate simplicity is habit formation. Natural state, that is, the after-state poise of Kriya is important; therefore, even Kriya Yoga must not become a habit. It would be a tragedy, if meditation becomes a habit of the mind. Meditation is a movement in the dimension of ‘no-mind’, that is, in the vast emptiness without the ego-center.
We are in the habit of remaining in the old-brain everlastingly seeking security through ‘I-ness’ in the realm of past pressures & prejudices and of future fancies & fantasies.
New-brain has no habit except brushing teeth, showering, etc. It is ‘Is-ness’, ‘now-ness’. It is the interval between thoughts wherein resides intense insight.
Jai New brain