Zvenigorod (near Moscow),
Russia, 17 June 2014
Now, let us consider and ponder together over our conditioning regarding 'Time' and call it a 'second one'. Here also we shall have the Awareness total, and outlook of integration (Yoga) – not disintegrated fragmented mental undertakings which are called Viyoga.
We are heavily conditioned by time. In performing our daily tasks, we need time. In learning technical matters, we need time. In executing and organizing big technical programs, we need months and years of time. ‘I’ is a product of time. All the past taken together is ‘I’. All the pursuits and projections for the future, taken as a whole, is also ‘I’. ‘I’ is time. Time is ‘I’. Again, there are no two! This ‘I’, as time, is so useful in the technical matters. ‘I’ is the coordinator of all technical knowledge that ‘I’ has acquired for its various needs in different situations. Thus, in the practical and technical world, ‘I’ as time functions elegantly and efficiently.
Now, does the ‘I’, as time, have any use in the inner-being? What are contents of the ‘I-ness’ that constitute the centripetal psychological consciousness? (We are not talking now about the above-mentioned centrifugal technical aspects of consciousness). Let us see these contents together one by one as narrated below.
1. Craving for security, called as ambition (a good name for greed, acquisitions, accumulations and all the possessions& collections galore. All kinds of wanting, getting and grabbing).
2. Fear of insecurity and concomitant ache, agony, anxiety, apprehension & agitation. Fear of not getting what one is craving for. Fear of losing what one has.
3. Aggression, anger, animosity, antagonism, jealousy, frustration.
4. Guilt, gullibility, seeking gratification and glorification of various sorts.
5. Dependency on belief-systems for solace and assurance.
6. Carrying images of all sorts about oneself and others, thus getting into isolation by harboring all kinds of flattery & hurt and bringing about a mess in the area of relationship.
Is it possible to see and understand all the above mental pollutions instantaneously without the intervention of time, which means without the ‘I-ness’, because ‘I’ is time and ‘I’ is all this pollution too?
But cultural inputs and conditionings say that you should take your own time to see & comprehend all this pollution by going to this guru and reading that book, doing this or that to end all this; to get enlightened! Is it possible to see that time here is an impediment? Here, it has to be a jolt of lightening (joy of life’s understanding) from the sky (ego-emptiness) on the forest (of mental fragmentations) in the inner-being to burn it all down.
Instant freedom from time, the ‘I’, is the greatest enlightenment! Taking time is the promotion of the ego-‘I’.
Jai Instancy