Zvenigorod (near Moscow),
Russia, 16 June 2014
Let the Messages henceforth consider and ponder over various human conditionings one by one.
Let us, at the outset, see our conditioning of ‘Problem solving’. Let us see it in the dimension of integrated outlook, that is, in the dimension of a division-free or holistic (wholeness) awareness. This implies seeing without spectatorship, that is, without ‘I-ness’/self-centeredness. This also implies an ability to understand in our inner-being, without the usual fragmentation between the observer and the entity to be observed; so that there is the purity and wholeness in the process and wisdom of observation. This is to open the Door of the Omniscience & Omnipresence -- an opposite-free Existential virtue and vitality which can not belong to the shoddy little and the vain separative psyche ‘I’ with all its accumulations of pressures and prejudices of the past and its assumptions of fancies and fantasies of the future. This ‘I’ is mind, mind is ‘I’. And mind is the enemy of life (except in technical and practical matters). Mind is the terrorist to the truth of life and love which is Divinity -- nothing to do with our divisive consciousness!
We are conditioned to ‘problem solving’ right from our childhood. Our parents, our elders, our teachers in schools, Colleges, Universities, Institutes, Research Centers – in every walk of our technical centrifugal world, we are trained to solve problem after problem and this is so beneficial. This ensures progress, perfection, excellence, development in the technical affairs of the human kind.
Now, can this conditioning help us in solving the problems of our inner being, the psychological problems? In the outer, technical area, there is a dichotomy between the problem-solver and the problem, between the subject and the object. Thus, a problem can be tackled and solved either by oneself or through the guidance and help from an expert or a teacher.
But in centripetal affair, the problem-solver is the problem – the subject and object are the same! It is not that “I” has or has not a problem, “I” is the problem! The psychological problem and psyche ‘I’ are the same. There are no two! It is the problem that has projected the ‘I’ and this apparent division – which is false – has become the protective mechanism of the problem -– everlastingly perpetuating and complicating the problem! And then and there come the gurus and other charlatans of the religious sects & cults and of the spiritual market of “meditation and yoga” as also the “psychological experts” doing analysis and thus bringing paralysis, because there is no dichotomy between the analysed (mind) and the analyser (also mind)!
Is a Total Awareness of the Whole situation possible? Is exploration into Insight – the Sustained Intelligence (Akhand Chaitanya) possible? Flower (not follow anybody) and find out!
Jai Flowering