New Delhi, India,
30 July 2014
‘I’ functioning efficiently in the centrifugal dimension of practical living in the technical arena may also degenerate as yet another conditioning preventing the perception of a profound Insight during conversation with one who speaks without ‘speakership’! This conditioning of providing continuity to ‘I’ by all means available to oneself, blocks listening in a state of let-go, in a state of life, in an utter passivity without any form of pursuit of ‘becoming’ whatsoever. The listening must not degenerate giving rise to yet another maneuver of agony, of longing. Can one listen with Insight only, without any trace of ‘I-ness’ contaminating the Insight? Then only a complete assimilation of the separative consciousness in the holistic Awareness is possible leading to a radical change, a fundamental transformation, a total Freedom – the Jivan Mukti. Please listen with your whole life, without any interference from the shoddy little ‘man-made’ mind, that is, without the pressure and prejudice from cultural inputs, brain-washings, beliefs, disbeliefs and other psychological investments – positive or negative. Let Insight listen, not ‘I’!
Some Perceptions:
1) The key question is: Is it possible to live without relying psychologically on any authority – either external or even on the authority of one’s own past experience? The distorting weight of what one accumulates is precisely the problem.
2) No theoretical punch lines, but perception of the truth of ‘What is’, directly by and for oneself, is Insight.
3) What is essential is to understand this deep hidden want – which is always changing! And then one comes upon this wonderful wisdom of ‘no-Wanting’!
4) As long as ‘I’ spawns its own fears in psychological time, it is incapable of understanding the ‘Timeless’.
5) When energy is not dissipated through various escapes, then that energy becomes the flame of compassion.
6) Can you break your pride or ambition by becoming a monk, a nun, or a hermit? No! It has to happen instantaneously without ‘time’ sneaking in surreptitiously! Either it happens NOW or never!
7) Freedom is a state per se – to be perceived – not because one is against something!
8) Can one be skeptical about one’s own demands, to question them, to doubt them?
9) Ecstasy is not personal; ecstasy is not yours or mine, just as love is not yours or mine.
Jai Ecstasy