5 March 2021
Synopsis of ‘Spanda-Karikas’ by the well-know Super-scholar (late) Dr. Jaideva Singh (1893-1986) — Who had excellent expertise in many fields such as musicology, philosophy and sanskrit. He was awarded ‘Padma Bhusan’ - a great National Award — by Government of India in 1971 : After retirement, he settled in the Holy city Varanasi — abode of Shiva — dedicating himself to Shivaism of Kashmir.
1 - Spanda is the Essential Nature of Shiva-Life phenomenon of the Universe in Its each and every aspects.
2 - Just as a banyan tree exists as potency in the seed, the Universe is inherent in Shiva-spanda with all its dynamism.
3 - Yoga means realization of perception of Shiva-spanda in one’s own Being, by and for one-self — not through any fancy or fascination of mind with its constant indulgence in the vulgarity of becoming. This is the Kriya-Yoga process of pranayam of ‘Prana’ & ‘Apana’ movements in the Susumna for the advent of Holy Shiva-spanda (Divinity-Division free Awareness) state or Natural State of tranquility, in which thought appears only when there is a technical need —- without interfering with the phenomenon of Unmana in Shiva-spanda state !!
4 - A strange incident happened, of late. The alarm clock got me up after a deep sleep - very refreshing. Looking at the clear sky through the big window was ecstatic. Just after a while, I got up in enthusiastic energy. Then the utmost surprise —- looking at the watch! Two hours gone! A timelessness in chronological time! An all-oneness in aloneness! Psychological time, the ‘mind-I’, came to a total stop in a strange state of SACREDNESS! IT comes to those, to whom IT comes! A remembrance spontaneously surfaced in the brain — Old J. Krishnamurti shouting to thousands assembled at the JJ School of Art Lawn (Mumbai, India) with folded hands in Namaskar greeting: —- ‘Freedom from mind is the greatest enlightenment’ !!!
5 - The verses in Spanda-Karikas (Divine Creative dance of Pulsation) pointing towards the phenomenon stated in the previous paragraph, have been quoted, translated and explained masterfully along with scholarly commentaries par excellence. All this leads to dissolution of ‘I’-consciousness into ‘Is’-awareness. ‘I’ then remains still available as reference-point for doing technical / practical tasks. Energy of Equanimity continues unabated.
6 - Veracity of the verses : ‘Chidananda-rupa Shivoham Shivoham’ is then revealed naturally.
7 - Buddha’s Shunya-Purna (Emptiness is wholeness) is the Shiva Pulsation (Spanda-Karika).
8 - Diksa (Kriya Initiation) implies Di (giving) and Ksa (destroying). Giving awareness of ‘Is-ness’ and Destroying illusion of ‘I’-ness. Divine pulsation is shared by both Teacher and the Taught. Shiva Process is the Supreme Sadguru.
9 - Spanda-Karikas (Divine Pulsation) is not the sedative prayers which merely decorate the mental prison without feeling the need to break it open and come out in the fresh air of Life and Love Divine : No desire, no prayer ! Only Pulsations Divine: Shiva-Shambho-Mahadeva!!
10 - Just as a plunderer carries away the valuables of the house, depression of the mind (Glaani) saps away the vitality of the body. Creative Pulsations Divine-Shiva-dance within the Inner Being, is the constant absence of depression from the body-mind complex of the Kriya Yogi. He is ever young with the elixir of contemplative meditation, that is, the empirical Natural Self.
Jai Jaidevaji