Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 415 - Synopsis of the book on Mother-Sage Ananda Moyee



13 March 2021

Synopsis of the book on Mother-Sage Ananda Moyee (Joyful Existence in Natural State wherein Divisive consciousness or mind, effortlessly dissolved in Divine Awareness or ‘no-mind’) by Swami Shivaanandaji, written in

Hindi language.

1. Mother-Sage (in short—‘Maa’) was born on 30 April, 1896. She was married at the age of 13 years.

2. She recited the sacred sound (Mantra) herself to hear & receive by own self. She was thus Guru as well as Disciple too ‘No-two’ or Advaita. Even her husband was addressing her as ‘Maa’. Maa used to address him as ‘Bhola Nath’ or ‘Shiva’. She was the Guru-Process for her husband too. Maa often went spontaneously into deep state of Samadhi lying unconscious for hours.

3. She travelled all over India visiting Pilgrim’s center surrounded by devotees, for almost fifty years. And thus many temples and ashrams, sprang up inspired by her. She went to Kailash-Mansarover too. Holy Shankaracharya of Sringeri came for Darshan of this Lady Saint. She passed away on 27 August 1982 in Uttarakhand state at Kishanpur Ashram in Dehradun at the age of 87 years.

4. At the moment of passing away, Maa uttered with astonishing eyes : — ‘An Unnamable is pulling enormously’!!! And thus She began pervading all over the Universe as Maa in Joy - Ananda Moyee .


Stories told by Maa : Only synopsis stated for waking up in the wisdom of direct Understanding, by and for oneself.

1. Essence of first story : — Bhagawat Gita Verse 39, Chapter IV. Trust and dedication leads to revelation of Division-free Awareness or Divinity.

2. Belief-systems must not mean disregard for common sense of proportion and making false interpretations thereof to keep oneself amused in vanity.

3. Movement of thoughts perpetuate the thinker, preventing movement of direct perception of the truth of ‘what is’.

4. Another story narrated by Maa tells that the virtue of veracity takes care of the practical needs. One does not need to worry and adopt wrong means to earn money, necessary for living.

5. An honest, whole-hearted, need-based, desire gets fulfilled almost effortlessly.

6. An honest Discipleship-process is naturally benefitted by the right Guru-Process.

7. A mind-psyche in bondage, masquerading as ‘Guru’, cannot help others suffering from ache and agony of mind. A person in a state of freedom does help, but does not need to pose as ‘Guru’.

8. In the company of wise Sages, One receives the bliss of Wisdom ; provided he/she has the thirst for it.

9. Self-less LOVE transform another—however selfish.

10. Whole-hearted, sincere trust dissolves stupid selfish activities of mind, which not only deceives others ; but deceives one’s own-self.

11. Singing Divine melody reduces body-mind’s cravings of various sorts.

12. Obsessive thoughts, even about ‘God’ destroys the movement of awareness of ‘what is’.Thus thought reacts with a chain of consequences leading towards disaster. Dimension of ‘No-thought’ (not the stupid thoughtlessness), ensures calm and quiet awareness and wakefulness ending conflicts between human groups.

13. Shoddy little mind is myth even though valid, ‘I’ is illusion even though it is a useful reference point.

14. A fascinating story narrating events based on Hindu rituals & belief systems, was explained by a Muslim Fakir (Saint) having deep understanding about Hindu religious traditions, without any reservation or hostility. Thus, this story serves as a process of integration between two major Bengali-speaking communities : — Hindus and Muslims.

15. Love transforms fundamentally the psyche-‘I’ of humans.

16. Death, Destiny, Divinity — neither known nor unknown — but unknowable.

17. Obedience to elders’ instructions can indeed be surprisingly rewarding.

18. Search for Divinity starts form a journey inward — looking at the contents of one’s own consciousness.

Jai Maa Anandamoyee Maa Maa Maa

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