Thursday 4 March 2021
For the occasion of ‘Rudrabhishek’ ceremony at the Holy Satyalok Temple at Varanasi (India) on the auspicious SHIVA-RATRI night : Thursday 11 March 2021.
I. Synopsis of Siva Sutras by Jaidev Singh : Supreme Yoga of ‘Is-ness’ or ‘No-‘I’-ness’.
1 - Wakefulness-Awareness of the gap between two thoughts (Unmana) is the advent (Unmesha) of Godliness in humans. Then sensory perceptions flow blissfully with no intervention from the ‘psyche-I’; and thus advent of sensuality or choices, is avoided; giving rise to energy of understanding —- pure and simple.
2 - Sakti-Shiva : Energy-Intelligence is the Turiya State —- nothing to do with the normal mental phenomenon of Jagriti-Swapna -Susupta.
3 - In innocent Siva State, a wish appearing spontaneously functions as blessing naturally.
4 - Gnyanam Bandhah : Knowledge is bondage. Knowing is freedom. Concepts-conditioning is bondage, perceptions through choiceness contemplation is freedom.
5 - Swachchhandata : Art of remaining available to One’s (Life’s) Own Melody & Rhythm.
6 - Vismaya-Yoga : Art of Wonder : What an ecstasy to look at the Sky filled with Sun-shine, Stars, Life in various shapes and forms, Ocean, Waves, Foams, Innocent Faces of Children around and their innocent curiosity.
7 - Shivahood also includes Scientific enquiries par excellence, revealing origins of all existant and non-existant. Hence the Sage says ; ‘Sadaa Shiva’! ‘Lokaananda Samadhi - Sukham’! ‘Bibhuti’! ‘Parama Chaitanyam’!
8 - Guruh Upaayah : Teacher is the way to Truth. This sutra has been mercilessly exploited by unscrupulous so-called ‘teachers’ in the vast religious and spiritual markets.
9 - Jaagrat Adwitiya Kaarah : Wakeful wisdom is Life Supreme (Divinity) — not the wicked activities of the shoddy little myth called mind.
10 - Siddha Swatantrabhaava : Freedom (from mind’s beliefs, images, cunning motives) is the only state of perfection worthwhile.
11 - Shiva-Tulyo Jaayate : Yoga is to be reborn in Shiva-like state.
12 - The Universe is the unfoldment of Him.
Jai Rudra-Shiva-Mangalam