Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 397 - 21 Lessons for 21st Century



15.8. 2020



Next three chapters (13, 14 and 15) are entitled as ‘God’, ‘Secularism’ and ‘Ignorance’.


During 3 days’ Kriya-yoga programs, all over the world, we go into details, on all the three subjects stated above - and with intense insights and profound energy of holistic understanding without the trace of any borrowed mental undertaking of any sort. We point out the significance of the truth, the ‘what is’ as also the nasty belief-systems and bigotry propagated by priest-crafts. At the same time, we recommend equal courtesy and consideration to all religious traditions and faiths. Although tradition is not truth, there is no particular charm to be anti-social or anti-traditional. Ignorance of the subtle wicked activities of ‘I’-ness (vested interests and vanities) does not allow us to be in the bliss and benediction of innocence of ‘Is’-ness, to flower in our natural state as human. Innocence, a state of freedom, a state of choiceless awareness —- is not stupidity.

Therefore, all the high-sounding phrases, mental concepts and intellectual jargons with regard to ‘God’, ‘Secularism’ and ‘Ignorance’, available in these chapters, are not dealt with or summarized. We shall therefore, instead, directly consider the next 3 chapters viz. 16 Justice, 17 Post-Truth, 18 Science Fiction.


Chapter 16 Justice


Sense of justice is not the justifications, by hook or by crook, of our activities emanating from our vanities and vested interests in several dimensions! Child labour in the Third World can not be any kind of Justice, although our comfortable life is someway based on this and thus it is always overlooked or justified. Subjugation of billions of farm animals to a brutal regime of exploitation —- can it be called justice to LIFE? It has become extremely complicated to grasp what are we doing under the banner of ‘Justice’. We hire lawyers and lobbyists to derail Justice in so many tricky ways, including paying bribes to judges! We vote for a government which is selling weapons to dictators across the world to promote the culture of killing and being killed under so many pretexts.


Perceive Justice by and for yourself —- not because Judges have said so or because ‘God’ said so in Bible or because it belongs to the ‘sermons on the mount’. Most of the injustices in the contemporary world result from large-scale conspiracies of cunningness of the ‘mind-I’. Disadvantaged groups are routinely silenced to enable global elites to have commanding  positions. There are multibillionaires pulling the strings behind the scenes to further enrich themselves. And you are expecting ‘Justice’; but from whom? Has not human quest for Justice and Truth utterly failed? Hope not!!!!


Chapter 17 Post-Truth


This is to invite us to understand that some fake news or faith last forever! Some lies and fictions are somehow perpetuated and we do not wake up. Creating and believing fictions are strange activities  of human brain everywhere and in every age, starting from stone age. No remedy is seen, even in this modern age of rationality. Humans have unique ability to create and spread fictions. We have zero scientific evidence that Eve was tempted by the serpent, that souls of infidels burn in hell after they die, that God does not like a Brahmin marrying an Untouchable. Prof. Harari has narrated many blood-curdling facts everywhere in the world demonstrating mind’s tendencies to remain amused in the silliest of fancies and fantasies for ages! A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth —- such is nature of the ‘mind-I’ —- the myth! Fake news peddlers know this very well. We respect holy books, as we respect currency dollar bills. Business Corporations and Christianity (mind products) are not Real Entities like Tigers or Humans (Life-products). Football games help to formulate identities (English or Argentinian), cement large communities and  even provide reasons for horrible violence. ‘Nations’ and ‘Religions’ are just football clubs on steroids!! It is important to avoid brainwashing to distinguish reality (what is) from fiction (what ‘should be’).


Chapter 18 Science-Fiction


In this chapter, Prof. Harari brilliantly draws our attention to our notorious habit of believing in fictions which give rise to  Poets, Painters, Musicians and playwrights. They are important as also soldiers and engineers. We co-operate so well because humans believe in God, religion, Nationality. We thus go to war, build cathedrals. Science-Fiction make us feel wise and scientific, we see renewed fiction films, TV series, which also display the capitalist paradise for fascination and promoting wild ambitions & perverted pursuits. People are trapped inside a box —- their brain —- which is locked within a much bigger box —- human society with endless myriad fictions.

Aldous Huxley of ‘Brave New World’ fame, admired J. Krishnamurti, and wrote an introduction to the wonderful and wise teachings of J. K., contained in his first book  — ‘The first and the last freedom’ —- in which he reveals that any movement of the psyche ‘I’ — the mind —- in any direction, is a wrong movement! Understanding this, One is blessed with absolute and unconditional freedom from the mind —- the ‘I’ — the self. Thus ending this shoddy little ‘self’ is the ‘Enlightened Existence’ of SELF — in Eternal Joy!



Jai SELF in Eternal Joy

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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