Mantra signifies a process of transcendence beyond mind. Without swadhyay (self knowing), mere mantra chanting becomes sensuous excitement and entertainment without much significance. Mechanical repetition of words brings about dullness in the consciousness, not stillness. A mind made still is not still mind. Chanting mantras with a motive generated by envy, fear, greed and the search for power, is indeed profane.
There are mantras of different vibrations. Gayatri Mantra is a Mantra of 24 vibrations which are as under:-
ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्
Aum Bhur Bhu Vah Swah Tat Sa Vi Tur (9 vibrations)
वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य
Va Re Nyam Bhar Go De Va Sya (8 vibrations)
धीमहि धियो यो नः।
Dhi Ma Hi Dhi Yo Yo Nah (7 vibrations) Thus total 24 vibrations.
( Pra Cho Da Yat) is the prayer annexed to Gayatri mantra.
ऊँ (Aum) is a pure vowel sound. There is no consonant (m) in it. While pronouncing Aum, lips do not collide and tongue rolls back. When a temple bell is struck once, then the dying sound so generated from the bell is the sound of Aum. In Sanskrit language 'Aham' is ego whereas 'Aum' is a cosmic sound representing no-ego that is, Division-free Awareness i.e. Divinity.
भूर् (Bhur) = gross aspects
भभवः ( Bhu Vah) = subtle aspects
स्वः (Swah) = of the 'I'-ness
तत् ( Tat) = that ( gross and subtle aspects of 'I'-ness )
सवितुर् ( Sa Vi Tur) = empirical sources of all this, that is, emotions and subtle ego-trips emphasising the 'I'-ness ( thus denying the holy 'Is'-ness);
वरेण्यं ( Va Re Nyam) = which also encompasses the whole existence, implying
भर्गो देवस्य ( Bhar Go De Va Sya) = Supreme Divinity's
धीमहि ( Dhi Ma Hi) = Holistic Intelligence
धियो ( Dhi Yo) यो ( Yo) नः ( Nah) = is as full as our individual Division-free Awareness ( Chaitanya or the Divine).
प्रचोदयात् ( Pra Cho Da Yat ) = The prayer asking for this Holistic Intelligence to prevail in our day-to-day living without making us (humans) slip into the silly activities of the separative psyche 'I'.
Jai Maa Gayatri