Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 396 - 21 Lessons for 21st Century



9.8. 2020


 Let us now consider next three chapters 10, 11 and 12.


10 Terrorism


The main suggestion here: Don’t panic. Terrorists are masters of ego-perversion-paranoia, and they manage to terrify billions and shake even huge political structures such as European Union and the USA. After 11 September 2001, every year, terrorists have killed about 50 people in EU, 10 people in USA, 7 in China, and upto 25000 people globally (mostly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria). But traffic accidents kill about 80000 Europeans, 40000 Americans, 270000 Chineese and 1.25 Million altogether. Diabetes kills upto 3.5 million annually. Air pollution kills about 7 million people. Why do we fear terrorism? Why do governments lose elections because of terrorism and not for chronic air-pollution? Weak parties, who cannot inflict much damage against their enemies, use this strategy of terrorism. Fear is the main story and terrorists manage to create this fear in abundance. Terrorists are so weak that they cannot wage war. So they provoke the enemy and cause him to over-react. Hundreds of terrorist-organisations were wiped out in the last few decades by various nations. If we free ourselves from fear and act in a balanced and cool way — terrorism will fail.

But in future, nuclear terrorism, cyberterrorism or bioterrorism would pose a much more serious threat to human life and all other life on our planet. Paranoid and perverted terrorists, totally brain-washed by Fanatic Islamists, can create havoc. Overblown fear of terrorism, must not drag us towards a Third World War.

11 War


Despite all claims of ‘Intelligence’ by human beings, never underestimate human stupidity! Since the global financial crisis of 2008, the International situation is rapidly deteriorating, war mongering is back in vogue, and military expenditure is ballooning. Some incident in the Syrian desert or an unwise move in the Korean peninsula might ignite a global conflict. Human stupidity is one of the most important forces in history, yet we often discount it. Even rational leaders frequently end up doing very stupid things. Even goodwill gestures are suspected to be just traps. Eruption of war is thus guaranteed. Although war is catastrophic for everyone, even ‘god’ cannot protect us from human stupidity. Only remedy for  stupidity is Humility.


12 Humility


Your ‘You-ness’ (the psyche) is not sanity, but just a stinking separative phenomenon of ego-centric activities! You are not the center of the world!! But this ego-process does not allow the holy humility to happen in human beings. Chinese proclaim their break-throughs, Indians, Greeks, Italians, Quran-Muslims, Egyptians, British, French, German, American, Russian, Japanese, — retort with theirs’! There is no end to such claims and counter-claims. Crass egotism of Jews is indeed horrible. Rabbis study their scriptures as if otherwise universe will come to an end! Jews are believed to be the central heroes of history. But Judaism had very little impact on the world. Humans of all creeds would do well to take humility more seriously. But when they talk of God, humans all too often profess abject self-effacement, but use ‘God’ to lord over their other brethren!! Humility is thus left in the lurch again, and pretentions galore are merrily perpetuated!!!


Jai Authentic Humility

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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