Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 393 - 21 Lessons for 21st Century.


25.7. 2020


The previous Message 392 summarized Chapters 1, 2, 3. Now we propose to make a summary of Chapters 4, 5, 6.


At the outset, let me mention that two gentlemen (senior-sensitive Kriyabans) expressed apprehension about doing so. Because they were amazed by the Ultra-orthodox Jewish men remaining amused in scriptures. (I did not mention that each of them, on an average, has seven sons or daughters!). Gratifications, sexual and scriptural, are two sides of the same coin of the silly and shallow mind! The Kriyabans recalled the most profound poem of Kriya-Yoga wisdom which points out four levels of holiness. At the bottom level  only, mind-‘I’ deceives itself as also other minds by indulging in ‘holy scriptures’ and interpretations galore thereof available in the spiritual market!


Now, synopsis of Chapter 4


In the year 2000, 100 fabulously rich persons were equal to 4 billion poor humans, desperately trying to make their both ends meet!

This inequality is the game of mind and its self-centered activities generated by vested interests and vanity giving rise to all kinds of wickedness, ultimately leading to humans’ horrible culture of killing and being killed under the banner of religion, nationalism and many other secret & ulterior motives of the cunning and the cruel ego.
Perhaps Mark Zuckerberg and his two billion friends as also other Silicon Valley geniuses may join and do something together to uphold our life as humans — the supreme species on this planet. And then perhaps Humans as ‘Equal Dignity’ may blossom on our planet.



Now, synopsis of Chapter 5


Brain-computer interfaces must not erode the border between organic human beings (wherein Life Awareness or ‘Chaitanya’ is in command — not the shoddy little mind or ‘Chittavritti’) and inorganic electronic machines, which tend to dominate and supersede humans.

Techno-giants must not manipulate human beings, like what they may be doing with the credit cards! Online friends may be illusions! Off-line neighborhood is much more relevant and life-promoting!



Now, synopsis of Chapter 6


Mark Zuckerberg is doing very good work by uniting human beings online, but offline world is generating horrible clashes among Humans due to mind and its terrible conditionings.

Politicians, priests (and public under their influence) believe in the rise of Islamic countries through Syrian civil war. Brexit mayhem and the instability of the European Union may lead to clashes between Western Christian civilisation and Islamic civilisation. And as the ‘’last prophet’’ of  ‘’God’’ had said —- ‘’Whole world will be muslims — no other ‘’religion’’ will survive on this planet! Muslim terrorists everywhere are working in order to fulfill this mission! It appears that any attempt to reconcile other faiths with the Muslim World is doomed to failure!

But all humans must ultimately adopt a Global civilization despite all the separate stupidities of religious fundamentalists. We are the branches of the same mysterious Tree of Humanity.

Olympic Project is the noble invention of Humans to come together in goodwill and loving spirit, despite all the stupid reservations displayed occasionally due to narrow politicians’ cunning manoeuvres. Who knows, in 21st Century, all humans will come under one Umbrella flowering as a unique global civilization, which will indeed be a Fantastic Unity and yet a Fanciful Diversity!



Jai Unity in Diversity

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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