Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 392 - 21 Lessons for 21st Century



14.7. 2020




Professor Yuval Noah Hararis third book has 21 intensely profound chapters. It is proposed to write Messages on each group of three Chapters, so that we have a total of seven Messages from this wonderful book, reaching the number 398.


Professors wisdom begins with knowing oneself without any worrying about customs and conventions. Thus the truth, after living in several years of denial and frustration, was ultimately accepted that he’’ was actually she’’ in the gay relationship with husband’’ Itzik.


Disillusionment with technological revolution will continue to be revealed as it will push billions of humans out of job market. A massive new useless class of people may lead to social and political upheavals that no existing ideology knows how to handle! No one can be indifferent, no one can ignore the consequence of the very real prospect of mass unemployment and joblessness.


Rise of digital dictatorship of algorithms, of Artificial Intelligence, of Robots where will all this lead us humans to? Making rich countries to consider the poor countries as shit-holes? And humans residing there as shit-insects? And the rich countries would just like to flush it all in one stroke (by a nuclear bomb?). There is therefore no question of sending holy money of a Capitalist country to help humans living in poor countries!


A strange phenomenon in Israel is interesting to know. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men report and display higher levels of life satisfaction than many other sections of rich Israeli society. This is due to the deep meaning they find in studying scriptures and performing rituals. They discuss Talmud absorbed in great joy and insight. They have no attraction for job or career. In India too, we find many happy people in religious lore, rather than crazy and unhappy people running for jobs and money.


There is no such thing as free-will! Will is the good name for ego - the  me-ness which is bondage, not freedom! When vanity and vested interests go rampant, sacred veracity takes a back seat. Computer-algorithms are working very efficiently to promote vanities and vested interests of a few in power who are also enormously wealthy. Stupidity and cruelty of the mind (divisive consciousness) and I (the separative psyche) can be avoided when computer-algorithms point out to what is (Is-ness) of No-mind (not mindlessness or stupidity, but the highest capacity of Intelligence and Energy of Understanding). But be aware of this digital computer-algorithm! It must not sabotage Division-free Awareness or Divinity available within all human beings. Computer-algorithms mischiefs may also create tremendous inequality. All wealth and power may get concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, while most humans will suffer not only from exploitation, but something much worse - Irrelevance!!


Jai Energy of Understanding

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