29.7. 2020
A dedicated German Swamy and his unique center for ‘Yoga Vidya’(Understanding harmony in living) at Meinberg in Germany.
Kriya Yoga co-ordinator in Germany Mr. Bernd Prokop has been inviting Shibendu Lahiri (Great grand son of Internationally revered house-holder yogi Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahahsay, 1828-1895) to initiate Germans in the original teachings and practices of the science of Kriya Yoga (in 3-day programs) for the last six years, with popularity and participation growing more and more every year.
This year Bernd has requested me to write a Message on this well-known Yoga center headed by Swami Sukhdevananda, who had stayed in the holy Pilgrimage-place of India, known as Rishikesh, in the Ashram of Swami Shivananda. The word ‘Swami’ means a person who is not a victim of the vulgar activities of the myth ‘mind’ and the illusion ‘I’. ‘Mind-I’ is not real, but valid. It gives functional value for performing our daily tasks as also useful for our passports, driving licenses and credit cards. At the entrance of Yoga-Center, there is a big Hindu Deity —- Ganesha with a rat at the feet ! This is a fascinating symbol. The rat represents thought.
Always , an aggressive and frightened rat (thought) runs in persons’ heads keeping them always in ache, agony, agitation and disturbance and thus much wastage of energy. The thought (rat) may remain at the feet for performing practical duties. Then the head is empty. Emptiness is holiness, the whole-ness — full of energy of an elephant in joyful existence —- calm and quite in meditative & holistic awareness.
There is also a big statue of another Hindu Deity Hanuman in the campus. He is the symbol of tremendous speed, strength and devotion par excellence to Divinity (represented by ‘Ram’).
Swamy Sukhdevananda is simple and unassuming. There are many other swamys coming and going —- with quite a lot of pomp and splendor.
Swamy Sukhdevananda became a householder subsequently. His partner lady very devotedly takes care of him to keep him healthy and efficient. My praams to both of them.
Jai Yoga-Vidya Center