Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 362 - Dalai Lama: Sixty years in exile!


12 April 2019


On March 17, 1959, he was forced to escape to India, when he was just 23. His prominence is not restricted among 500 million Buddhists world-wide, but extends beyond the borders of his faith. He won Noble Peace Prize in 1989.


The Dalai Lama reached India incognito atop a dzo, a cross between a yak and a cow.


He, now 83, retires at 6 p.m and rises at 4 am and spends the first hours of his day in meditation: He says western civilization generates much stress, anxiety and jealousy. ‘My commitment is to promote awareness within ourselves from kindergarten onwards’, he says, children should be taught about ‘taking care of emotion’. ‘Whether religious or not, as a human being we should learn more about our emotion-ego ; so that we can tackle destructive emotions to be more calm and have inner peace’.

Dalai Lama says he is committed to religious harmony. There is so much sectarian strife even within Islam. He urges people of all faiths to broaden their understanding and thinking.

Buddhism, he says, is a non-theistic religion with no single creator-deity, emphasizing harmony and cleanliness within. It is accessible to other faiths, even to atheists! Dalai Lama says he is very sad about the situation in Myanmar, where Buddhist monks have incited the genocide of Rohingya Muslims. Religions, instead of nurturing loving kindness, is causing violence and division — he says.

Britain's impending exit from the E.U. warrants a rebuke, he says. He has always admired the E.U.  ‘Buddha told us’, he says, ‘Do not believe my teaching on faith, but rather through investigation and experiment’: If any teaching goes against reason, we must reject it —- Dalai Lama says.

Dalai Lama is full of compassion and love to one and all, including the Chinese Communist Party. There are 244 million Buddhists in China, a cohort that dwarfs the CCP membership by 3 to 1!


Can Dalai Lama return to Tibet? No body knows!


For mind —- divisive consciousness —- ‘I’-ness, ‘GOD’ is the Garbage of Desire/ fear. For Dalai Lama — Buddha — Krishna;  GOD is the Grace/ Grandeur of Division-free-awareness or LIFE/ LOVE/ LIGHT — that is, Divinity indeed!


Jai Dalai Lama

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