Bessay, Vendée
France 19.4.2019
During the recent Mini-Retreat organized at Brunel University in London, Guru-Process inspired an enquiry among the participant Kriyaban Devotees. Guru asked:- Computers are now performing, much more efficiently and accurately, most complicated problems in all fields of human activities - not only in scientific and space research, technical constructions and other areas, but also in the areas of Art, Music, Orchestras and symphonies, filming, TV and many other activities. Thus machines are superseding human-brains in every field. Computers write poems, discover mathematical theories! Thus computers are now doing a much better job than human brains in most arenas.
What then distinguishes a human brain from a computer?
A computer cannot free itself from its contents. The computer-operator clears the contents, when he decides; when he feels that too much contents have been accumulated and recorded, which are no longer relevant nor needed for the purpose of his work or business; and when he sees that this situation is reducing the efficiency of the computer.
But a human being can free himself/ herself from the contents of his/ her consciousness - absolutely and unconditionally! He/ she can discover the Art of dying from moment to moment to the myth mind, even though its validity for performing the daily tasks would continue unabated with effortless vitality and vigor. This is indeed the Art of living moment to moment in Life, Love, Awareness of the ‘Otherness’ - the Un-nameable, the Immeasurable, the Omniscience - Omnipresence - Omnipotence.
‘I’ is mind, the mind is ‘I’. Freedom from mind implies freedom from ‘I’. And this is the message of ‘Cross’. The vertical line represents the ‘I’, and the horizontal line signifies cancellation of ‘I’ - the illusion; except for passport, driving licence, credit card, a reference-point for identification for practical purposes. This is Meditation - the ‘me’-deletion or Supreme Yogic Awareness.
Jai Jesus, Jai Yoga