Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 361 - Mobile Menace !


6 April 2019

 Revelation in an article of the ‘Time’ Magazine dated 1 April, 2019, is not ‘’April fooling’’; but indeed very serious. Kriyabans and others are requested to note this for implementation, particularly in respect of the younger ones in the family.

Four large studies of teens from U.S. and U.K. show their mental health is fine at a half-hour to two hours of digital media use a day. Well-being then steadily declines. Heavy users of electronic devices are found depressed or distressed. Those teens who use devices five or more hours a day have even attempted suicide!

Parents’ comments generally are : —- We worry about our kids’ technology use, but we also worry about standing in the way of progress!

Suggestions : —-

1 - No mobile phones in the bedroom at night.

2 - No using such devices within an hour of bedtime. Their blue light can disturb sleep.

3 - Let the time given to mobile phone devices be limited as much as practically possible.

4 - Think in terms of risks verses benefits. What is the harm in limiting (not eliminating -the principle of chitta vritti nirodha of Patanjali) the use of electronic devices ? Very little. Also, please ponder over : —-

a) ‘Ideal’ is perhaps the camouflaged ‘I-ness’, the ‘me’, the ‘ego’.

b) Cultivated calmness turns easily into panic.

c) Choiceless Awareness sanctifies and supersedes ‘intellectual’ doubts as also ‘emotional’ divisive consciousness to be open to division-free Awareness, to Divinity, to ‘Otherness’ - ‘Omniscience’ - to ‘Omnipotence’, to ‘ Omnipresence’.

Jai Awakening



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