Tel Aviv, Israel Friday (Sabbath)
8 March 2019
Asher Yatzar
בָּ רּוְך אַ תָּ ה יְהֹוָּה אֱֹלהֵ ינּו מֶ לֶ ְך הָּ
עֹולָּ ם אֲשֶ ר יָּצַר אֶ ת הָּ אָּ דָּ ם בְ חָּ כְמָּ ה ּובָּ רָּ א בֹו נְקָּ בִ ים
נְקָּ בִ ים חֲלּולִ ים חֲלּולִ ים גָּלּוי וְיָּדּועַ לִ פְ נֵי כִסֵ א כְבֹודֶ ָך
שֶ אִ ם יִפָּ תֵ חַ אֶ חָּ ד מֵ הֶ ם אֹו יִסָּ תֵ ם אֶ חָּ ד
מֵ הֶ ם אִ י אֶ פְ שַ ר לְ הִ תְ קַ יֵם וְלַ עֲמֹוד לְ
פָּ נֶיָך בָּ רּוְך אַ תָּ ה יְהֹוָּה רֹופֵ א כָּל בָּ שָּ ר ּומַ פְ לִ יא לַ עֲשֹֹות
After using the bathroom, wash your hands and say:
Blessed are all Yogis, who are established in Life – Liveliness – Godliness – Division free awareness – Divinity – the Supreme Yogi in every Human Being, who has been fashioned for liberation from the wicked activities of the divisive consciousness (that is, the myth mind; even though it is valid for performing daily tasks) to flower in the wisdom of CREATOR – KING of the Universe (Brahma). Humans are blessed with openings and cavities. It is known and understood deeply by virtue of Divine truth of Grace that if but one of them were to be ruptured or but one of them were to be blocked, it would be impossible to survive and stand in the Glory of Love and Liveliness of the Otherness, the Unnamable Omnipresence.
Blessed are You, Divine Grace, Who heals all flesh&blood and acts wondrously.
Jai Asher Yatzar Jai Israel