Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 355 - A Wonderful Corroboration to Kriya Wisdom

Washington D.C. (USA)

Thursday (Gurubar), August 30, 2018




The Guru-process was delighted and his face was glowing with joy when he looked at a small, front-page announcement in the famous American newspaper, Washington Post, on Monday, 27 August morning:


“Staying sober: To minimize health risks, the optimal amount of alcohol someone should consume is none…”




In the article, “No drinking is best, study on alcohol finds”, Joel Achenback outlines the “surprising conclusion of a massive study, co-written by 512 researchers from 243 institutions”.  The study spanned 195 countries and territories between 1990 and 2016 and was aimed to identify how alcohol “affects the risk of 23 health problems.” 


The primary conclusion of the study is, “People should no longer think that a drink or two a day is good for you.  What’s best for you is to not drink at all.”


The following points are indicated in the article:

-      2 billion people worldwide drink alcohol.

-      2.8 million people worldwide died in 2016 of alcohol-related causes.

-      Alcohol is the leading risk factor affecting health problems for people ages 15-49.

-      Any previously identified benefit is greatly overwhelmed by the health risks including:  breast cancer, larynx cancer, stroke, cirrhosis, tuberculosis and interpersonal violence.

-      Generalizing that alcohol is beneficial in limited quantities does not take into account individual risk factors, whether known or unknown.

-      The study actually considered smaller drink sizes than those normally ordered and served in bars.  Thus the findings are conservatively understated.  Therefore, the actual risk is even greater 

-      The type of alcohol did not matter.

Guruji has come across countless devotees who are from cultures where it is believed alcohol is harmless in moderation.  Some of those people state that alcohol is even beneficial.  Can you see how easily we adopt a belief just because it is convenient to us?  We are basically agreeing that taking small amounts of poison into our bodies is not harmful, and even beneficial.  Yet, in our heart of hearts, it is clear that taking any poison is ill advised. 

Our mind - the parasite, the virus - is helping to destroy Life once again!  Just like the diabetic eating candy to make them feel ‘better’ for a moment, we are willing to consume something for ‘pleasure’ or ‘relaxation’ that is known to be harmful. In this case, the consumed becomes the consumer. That is, one remains corrupted by mind.  Mind will convince us to rely on some random statistic to be our co-conspirator, whispering in our ear, “It’s okay, the others are doing it, so we can do it too.  Don’t be embarrassed.”

We are reminded of two events in Lahiri Mahasaya’s life:

A)   Shyama Charan Lahiri (Lahiri Mahasaya) used to run into trance (spontaneous meditative state) while going for a dip in the nearby Ganga after completing his Kriya practice in the morning.  Sanyasis, pundits and passersby were critical of Lahiri-ji, gossiping among themselves, even saying that he got drunk. 

Once, pundits (Sanskrit scholars) asked him about his Ishta Devata (favorite Hindu deity).  He smiled and said, “Serenity. Stillness.”  They were confused and protested that there is no such god having this name.  He smiled and saluted the Sanskrit scholars and left the place. 

B)   A devotee came regularly to visit to touch the feet of Lahiri Mahasaya and ask for blessings.  It was common in those days to use cow dung (dried cow patties) as fuel to start fires for cooking, etc.  Lahiri Mahasaya’s wife, Kashimoni Devi, used to give him a brass bowl to bring some cow patties while returning home.    

One day that devotee was waiting on his way back to offer a bowl of Kheer (rice pudding) to his Guru.  Lahiri Mahasaya responded, “Please keep your bowl and pour it into mine.” 

Of course, the devotee was shocked, knowing that the gift would be ruined if poured into a bowl full of cow dung.  “Guruji, please take my bowl.  It is clean.”

Lahiri Mahasaya replied, “No! You must pour this into my bowl.  Otherwise I will not accept it.”  Stunned, the devotee grabbed his guru’s bowl and removed the cow dung.  He then proceeded to clean the bowl to the point of perfection.  He then poured the Kheer into the bowl of his guru. 

Lahriri Mahasaya then smiled and said, “Did you understand the message? You must clean your inner being by understanding and practicing Kriya Yoga.  Only then Blessings from the Guru-process will be beneficial for the Disciple-process.” The response was so profound and hard hitting with love that the devotee fell at the feet of his guru, weeping with gratitude for this lesson. 


Jai Water Drinking!

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