(A human being in Division-free Awareness (‘Purna Chaitanya’ without any trace of ‘Chittavritti’); that is, One who is in total ‘I-less-ness’ without any trace of ‘I’-ness. One who’s Raama (Life) is Maraa (death of the heavily conditioned myth called ‘mind’); that is, One whose Art of living in life is nothing but the Art of dying to the separative psyche, the ‘I’-ness - the horror, the havoc of all selfish, self-gratifying, self-glorifying activities of divisive consciousness (not Division-free Awareness or Divinity): ‘God’ is not the protective mechanism of the stinking garbages of mind)
This is being written on the eve of 2019 —- 150th Birth Anniversary year of Mahatma Gandhi. Title of the message has become long, as there can not be a short title to a Message on the par excellent Mahatma Indeed!
He actively engaged with the public, walked with them, travelled in the third class of India trains, openly solicited criticism. Important people in power, like Ministers, CEOs, Army Generals etc —are surrounded by a coterie of sycophants. They don’t have a proper feedback loop. Mahatma Gandhi was useless for them. Interfaith harmony, non-violence have no significance for them. But Gandhi’s global influence, at a time when there was no Internet, no television, could not be ignored and they had to take heed of his words, whether they liked it or not.
He had hardly travelled abroad. He never went to America; yet in the Americas, he was very much known and regarded during his lifetime! He, an ‘upper-caste’ Hindu, was appalled by the practice of untouchability and hatred towards the so-called ‘Lower-castes’ of Hindu society. That is why this writer is never tired to repeat that a Real Hindu is an ‘Undo’, as he is undoing his stupid conditionings and all the silly influences collected during his upbringing.
A terrible act of violence, death and destruction was executed in New York on Sept. 11, 2001, by fanatics of a particular religious belief system which encourages killings of ‘Kafirs’ as holy! This is famous as 9/11 all over the world.
This message appeals to everyone to one to recall two other 9/11’s which are auspicious as Gandhi Phenomena.
1- Sept. 11.1906 : At a public meeting in Johannesburg, Mahatma Gandhi and the Indians residing in South Africa decided to start a non-violent civil-disobedience movement against the racial laws of the South African Government. This movement was called by Gandhi as SATYAGRAHA (Truth/Holiness has to prevail — not tricks and travesties of the vulgarity of unholy powerful people in powers and positions). This process was publicly articulated on another 9/11 for the first time.
2- Sept. 11 is, also known as Martin Luther King Jr. day. This is his Birth-day, which is also celebrated as National day of service. He was a great admirer of the Mahatma and, later, he too was gunned down like the one he admired; just as it had happened 2000 years ago as crucification of Jesus - the Christ.
These two auspicious 9/11’s have been totally forgotten, while the monstrous one exalting violence has become quite a political tool in many forms! Alas, mind is enemy of life, except while performing daily technical tasks for food, clothes and a modest shelter!
Mahatma Gandhi Phenomenon must be realized in one’s own Perceptive Being. Message of Kriya Yoga in its three dimensions is in perfect harmony with this GANDHI phenomenon which emphasizes the Grace of Insight — not the gratification of ‘me-ness’. Gandhiji’s prayers were phenomena of ‘me-deletion’ — not ‘me-dictation’ !
Jai Mahatma Gandhi