11 Aug. 2018
My phone was having issues. It's actually going to be replaced today since it was already having issues before and I cannot afford that during my business trip next week.
Food: I will be bringing up some seed crackers to you in DC along with some other snacks that are very good for diabetics. I'm working with a Naturopath now, which has made a wonderful difference in my diabetes management. It turns out that the seed crackers I've been making for years are indeed a good solution, in moderation.
During our conversation about mind (god/God and soul), I was again reminded that there are two types of parasites: those that live with their hosts (symbiotic) and those that harm or kill their hosts. Mind can be both. Yet, it seems to do a lot of harm to the host (body). The very concept of suicide is the extreme case where mind kills its host (effectively killing itself).
Something occurred to me: the Yamas and Niyamas are our natural state. The degree to which mind interferes with this is where malicious activities such as stealing and sex misconduct start to form. Mind is capable of creating layers upon layers of false perception (I hesitate to use the word reality here, since it is really our perception of truth that is blocked, and truth never changes, but reality tends to be subjective).
When we do that 12x12x12, I think most of us are offered a glimpse of truth, if only momentary, however undeniable. Also during swadhyay, there may be moments of clarity, where the listening is not being processed or filtered, but hitting directly. Fleeting as they may be, they are more real than anything else. And then there are actions when I am doing something not in the mode of doership, but seemingly from some other intelligence - very natural and with utter perfection. In those cases, mind coming in afterwards to try to figure out what just happened, but unable to classify or "digest" it properly.
Insight in this body is aware of these things. Yet mind is always that rat: not kept at the feet, it chews on my clothing and shits on my body with constant mischief, some of which can be quite disruptive.
I will check in tomorrow, again, with my new phone.
Jai Guru!
Jai Wonderful Communication