Satyalok Temple, Varanasi
27 July 2018
1) The freedom from imagination, the freedom from wishful thinking, the freedom from effort as ego-trips, the absence of all movement of mind, is the natural state of LIFE.
2) Mischievous activities of thought are born out of some sort of neurological defect. Therefore anything that is born out of mind is destructive.
3) The function of brain in the body is only to take care of the needs of the physical organism and to maintain its sensitivity, whereas thought, through its constant interference with sensory perception is destroying the Natural Intelligence of the body.
4) Silence is bliss, it is not the stupid dead state of the brain imagined by the so called 'spiritual seekers' . Silence is the virtue of the extraordinary Existential Awareness.
5) Man is always seeking something – money, power, sex, love, mystical experience, truth, enlightenment and it is this seeking which keeps him out of his Natural state.
6) The human mind has many destructive inventions to its credit. By far, the most destructive one, and the one that has generated maximum corruptions in human mind, is the invention of God—the stinking garbage of mind and its mania.
7) The “I”, the “me” is born out of fear, lives in fear, functions in fear and dies in fear.
8) The plain fact is that if you don't have a problem you create one. If you don’t have a problem you don’t feel you are living!!!
9) Drop all the conditionings imposed by the society.
10) Swadhyay teachings are beyond teachability, it is just a description of the way Life lives in the state when the mind ceases to interfere in the Natural Silence of Life. Natural State (Sahajaavastha) is stripped of all the mischiefs of the mind and the machinations of the psyche.
11) Affection is not something that moves from here and flows in the direction of some individuals, but One’s love flows towards everyone around.
12) Anything one does to free oneself from anything for whatever reason destroys the sensitivity, clarity and freedom of Life and Its Divinity.
13) All that is necessary for the survival of a living organism is already there. Anything gathered and acquired through mind's pursuits is no match to the tremendous energy of understanding available in the human body.
14) There are moments of happiness and there are moments of unhappiness. But the demand to be in permanent happiness is the source of all unhappiness.
15) Thought is a poor alternative to action of perception. Constant thinking consumes living energy. Therefore, please act from perceptions; not from borrowed knowledge.
16) To deny oneself the basic needs of Life is not a sign of spirituality but a neurotic state of mind.
17) In nature, there is no death or destruction at all. What occurs is the reshuffling of atoms. If there is a need or necessity to maintain the balance of “energy” in this universe, death occurs.
18) When you are no longer caught up in the dichotomy of right and wrong or good and bad, you can never do anything wrong. As long as you are caught up in this duality, the danger is that you will always do the wrong.
19) Atmospheric pollutions are harmless when compared to the spiritual and religious pollutions pervading everywhere.
20) This is the ultimate. 'I -ness” has to surrender itself totally to 'Is-ness”. It can't be brought about through any effort or volition. It's a state of surrender where all efforts (ego- trips) have come to an end, where all movements in the direction of becoming, have come to an end.
21) What is being taught, is not born out of thinking. These are just words springing forth from the Natural state beyond the thought structure.
22) Every cell in your system has an awareness of its own.
23) Fear is the very thing that you do not want to be free from. If the fear comes to an end; your 'youness', the myth mind, will drop dead.
24) All intellectual activities of the psyche “I” or of the mind 'me', however extraordinary they may be, are worthless. You can create a tremendous structure of thought which is not at all insight. Insight is not the permutations and combinations of thinking of a shoddy little “I”.
25) A real guru is one who tells you to throw away all the crutches which mind enjoys. He would ask you to walk, and he would say that if you fall, you will rise and walk again naturally.
26) Boredom is a bottomless pit. As long as you think that there is something more interesting, more purposeful , more meaningful to do than what you are actually doing, you have no way of freeing yourself from boredom.
27) What is being emphasized is that we are trying to solve our basic human problem through a psychological framework, whereas the actual problem is neurological; which is taken care of naturally, by Kriya Practice.
28) To be yourself requires extraordinary wakefulness or awareness. But you are already blessed with this awareness. Nobody needs to give it to you, nor anyone can take it away from you. He who lets that express itself in its own way, is in the Natural state.
29) The mind can never touch Life. As long as an individual continues to conform and follow others in matters spiritual, he is lost!
30) Whenever enlightenment happens, it happens only to those who give up all their seeking completely and totally.
30 = Jai Omkar
dissolving the Ahamkar
Jai Guru Gobind