Jamshedpur (India)
22 July 2018
“Sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, the melancholia, the panic fear which is inherent to the human condition,” wrote Graham Greene in the autobiography entitled Ways of Escape!
It is indeed strange and surprising that even Creativity has to be a curse of the myth- mind, and not a benediction of Life, Divinity, Division-free Awareness !
Why all the creative expressions must emanate only as ways of escapes from mind’s entanglements and not as ecstasy and euphoria of Existence, of Life?
It is an unceasing amazement for a kriyaban-yogi to know that the writers, composers and painters are only victims of madness, melancholia, panic fear which have been considered as inherent to human beings!!!
What kind of state of mind is available to such people?
Can they not wake up in the veracity and virtue of the natural state ( Sahajaavastha) of Life Divine ?
Jai Ending of Sorrow