Pamporovo Resort Rodopi Mountains Bulgaria
1. Heraclitus has been ignored in Greece as “Obscure”! If he were in India, he would have been worshipped and respected as Enlightened One! “God” for him is not a person, but a Process — the Existence. Life is Process. Tree is Process. River is Process. Whole Existence is Process. Mind-Ego is stagnant. Only Change (Process) never changes — It is Eternal. Death of the stagnant (Mind-ego: Enemy of Life) is the only revolution (only Life). Life never dies! Belief systems are dead. Living is Bliss! Attachment-aversion is hell. Affection is heaven! Heraclitus never went to a church! “Life is not an effort, it is a celebration”. “Bigotry is the ‘sacred’ disease” — Heraclitus murmured — “conversion is perversion “. “Be religious, but don’t be a victim of bigotry” — he uttered — “Be human, don’t choose labels.”
2. Lao Tzu is extraordinarily ordinary! To be a Buddhist, “meditation” may help. To be a Taoist, it will not help; as the meditator (‘me’-ness) will be the block. There is Tao, but no Taoism. Confucius was not blissful, but just knowledgeable. He was not able to help himself, so he went to Lao Tzu. He asked: “What do you say about morality? How to cultivate a good character?” Lao Tzu laughed and said: “If you are not moral, only then the question of morality arises! You think of cultivating character, when you don’t have it! Comprehension-compassion has no “Character”! Don’t cultivate concepts and conclusions, be just natural! But Confucius could not understand, he was so full of borrowed mental undertakings. He became afraid of the emptiness, wholeness, holiness in Lao Tzu. He felt that Lao Tzu is dangerous!!! A Master is the death of shoddy little minds. Lao Tzu was the living Buddha! Nobody can make him a parody of suffering, as Christians have done to Jesus by keeping him hanging for two thousand years with a sad long face. Any idea about “Tao” is not Tao!
Jesus had said: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!” Christians go on missing the meaning of these Jesus’ sayings, because they must be from Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu stands alone-aloof! He stands in existence. Lao Tzu and Lahiri Mahashay are humans with whom the Existence celebrates.
3. Friedrich Nietzsche was a mystic par excellence. Unfortunately, he was born in the west, where meditation (‘me‘ deletion) was not known. Journey to one’s own inner being was not known to him. That is why he uttered: — “God is dead”, instead of saying: — God, as garbage of mind’s mischiefs such as greed, fear, jealousy, seeking solace through belief-systems, does not exist in heaven; but divinity is in the holiness of division-free awareness in our inner being. When he talked about “Will to Power”, he hinted towards the wisdom and perception in every situation, of “what is”, rather than getting lost in speculating “what should be” according to the madness of a perverted-paranoid mind and its wicked activities in order to dominate the world. That is how Adolf Hitler became the disciple and prophet of Nietzsche! And Second World War was the result! And eight million Jews and gypsies were murdered by cold-blooded calculations! Without holistic awareness, Nietzsche thus delivered a hogwash-hokum-hooyee Hitler.
4. A drunk man who was stinking of wine and smoke boarded a bus and plopped himself down on a seat next to a Catholic priest. The drunkard then looked at the offended priest and said — “Hey Father, I have a question. What causes arthritis?”
The priest curtly said: “Amoral living. Too much liquor, smoking, womanising recklessly”.
There was silence for a while. The priest felt guilty as he reacted so strongly to a man who obviously needed Christian compassion! So, he turned to the drunkard and said: “Son, I did not mean to be so harsh. How long have you been suffering from this affliction and pain?” “Affliction?” the drunkard wondered, “I don’t have arthritis. I just saw in the newspaper that the Pope has it.”
5. Rabiya al-Adabiya had a guest Hassan, who became shocked to see that she had made corrections in her Koran book, which cannot be tolerated by Muslims. So he challenged her. She said: “What to do? When I saw the line: ‘When you see the Devil, hate him.’ I had to delete it, for hate has somehow disappeared from me. There is only love.” And when Hassan was praying, she hit him saying “What are you praying: ‘please open the door ‘? The doors have never been closed! Just enter in ecstasy! Enter within yourself. Whole cosmos is yours!” Indeed so! Al-Hallaj Ali Mansur, Sufi Monk, had also shouted in ecstasy: — “Huq, Huq, Anaal Huq”!
Hassan once brought Rabiya to the bank of a river and claimed that he could walk on the water of the river. He then invited her to accompany him. Rabiya asked “What for?” Hassan said “We will discuss deeply the Prophet’s words in Koran so that you will never dare to make any correction in the Holy Text”. Rabiya smiled and said “Why don’t we fly to the clouds above and float thereon to discuss the Text?” Thereby, Rabiya gave a fitting reply to Hassan. She was never attracted or interested in any miracle. Only fools do so!
6. Jalaluddin Rumi said: “Move within, but don’t move the way fear makes you move”. This is the essence of his beautiful and ecstatic Sufi dance of going round and round in a wonderful costume and a cap. In the retreats at Pamporovo, a dedicated Kriya Yoga devotee does this dance so well, bringing joy to all the participants. The most essential point here is the art of watchfulness. All duality, deep down, gets dissolved.
7. A satori is dying to the mind to be reborn in Life, here and now.
Jai Pondering