Beaumont, Ardèche, South of France
30 November 2015
In general terms, which are commonly understood, we say that the practice of Pranayam brings equanimity in respiration resulting in equanimity of mind; that of Navi kriya reduces the fear pollution in the body and the practice of Maha mudra dilutes pleasure pollution. The understanding according to Bhagavat Gita and to Sankhya perceptions of Sage Kapilacharya is that we are available to five subtle energies --- Praan-Apaan-Samaan-Vyaan-Udaan. The practising of Kriya-Yoga harmonizes the movements of these energies in a human body. Pranayam brings harmony in Praan-Apaan, Navi kriya in Samaan and Maha mudra in Vyaan-Udaan. This profound harmony transforms intellect of mind into deep insight in the dimension of 'No-mind' or Life and ego-emotion of mind into an enlightened existential energy of Life! That is the blast of "Buddhi-Ahamkaar" in the dimension of "Prakriti-Purusha"!
The indication of this phenomenon is found in verse 29, chapter IV of Bhagavat Gita:
Apane Juhvati Pranam
Prane Panam Tathapare
Pranapanagati Ruddhva
This means "Neutralisation of Inhalation by Exhalation or vice versa for being available to an almost breathless state, which is the most profound equanimity in respiration leading to evacuation of ego-mind entity to dissolve in the ocean of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence ".
Footnote: A swadhyay on the following extract from Message 310 received from a Kriyaban in total devotion is also added here:
"Nobody tells you from the depth of their being; from the bottom of the heart, that they love you; neither your parents; your brothers or sisters; your sons or daughters; your wife; your friends; none! Nobody wants to see you as you are. Everyone demands you to become someone they imagine according to their expectations, obsessions, specifications, standards and cynicism. They become cynical, because they too were cheated that way!"
1. We don't see what is; we only create images of what should be. Hence, the love is for the image and not for the Life in the other body.
2. As a consequence, there is a demand for fulfilment of expectations.
3. Whenever we ask our so-called 'loved one' to do something for his or her own good, do we really mean it or are we saying "please conform to 'my' expectations"?
4. When the truth of the above utterance is even glimpsed, there is an immediate blast and a deep recognition of the depravity of mind that constantly manipulates and interferes with Life.
5. And this is happening all the time as every human being's mind works on interfering with the lives of every other human being creating thus a society of death and decay. The understanding of this renders one speechless with horror!
Jai Energy Movements