Beaumont, Ardèche, South of France
27 November 2015
(Raas Purnima)
Some words are so beautiful and so profound, but we donʼt appreciate them because we remain at the superficial level of their meaning.
For example, the word ʻwell-beingʼ contains a tremendous wisdom: ʻbeingʼ indicates that real wellness is only in ʻbeingʼ without a single trace of ʻbecomingʼ. ʻBeingʼ is a joyful existence in the timeless dimension of life and love, of innocence and compassion. ʻBecomingʼ is the mental undertakings of our ego-centre in the dimension of psychological time.
The ʻbeingʼ is in passivity, in let-go, when the sensory perceptions are happening in the state of choice-less awareness, i.e. without the division generated by the separative psyche 'I' in our innerness. In ʻbecomingʼ, these perceptions are classified as pleasant and unpleasant and then polluted by our greed which demands repetition of the pleasant or by our fear which demands rejection of the unpleasant.
We are so cunning and calculating that ‘becoming’ is always hiding secretly, even behind the pretension of ‘being’. Similarly the ʻbecomingʼ is getting surreptitiously promoted by wellness programmes. The real wellness is in the dimension of ʻbeingʼ but achieving wellness through programmes implies a pursuit and pursuit is ʻbecomingʼ. And still these programmes claim that they help people to be in wellness which is an illusion and, of course, ʻIʼ enjoys this illusion. Without illusion ʻIʼ cannot survive! Therefore the game of greed and gratification in the dimension of getting and grabbing goes on unabated.
The bliss and benediction of ʻbeingʼ are destroyed by the worm of the wicked activity of mind and thus degenerate into the pain and suffering of ʻbecomingʼ. This worm can only be burnt out with rudraksha, the fire of awareness (rudra) when there is no dichotomy (aksha), that is to say when there is a fusion between the observer and the observed, the thinker and the thought, the listener and the listened, the experiencer and the experienced.
The part ʻwellʼ of the word ʻwell-beingʻ indicates the source in which there is only ʻbeingʼ and not ʻbecomingʼ. It is like the WELL in which Mother Planet supplies fresh water. What a blessing that the ocean waters are being filtered by Mother Earth so that by the time they come under your ground, they have already been purified. All you have to do is to dig and get this life. In this digging, there is no pursuit, there is no digger, only digging. Similarly, in swadhya, when you are digging and dissolving the psychological contents of the mind, you get the wisdom of the water of life.
What a beauty this word ʻwell-beingʼ is!
Jai Well-being